Dreamhack lol vs hon

QuoteSomeone already said in the day1 comments when this number came up that it's calculated in a weird way (logged users in lol count as viewers or something), so it's not the actual number of viewers. (still sounds good for advertising I guess)

lol > hon?

hon > lol?

lol at nerds always fighting bout it, start playing real games instead ( same goes for sc2 nerds+gays)
lyk Belgium Kevin said.

QuoteAnonymous Kevin on 19/06/11, 17:23:10

Numbers have been confirmed by Riot Games and Dreamhack, although they usually were 5 - 10 K lower than the Own3d-statistics, the peak, afaik, was 192 000 though.
so lol> hon?

or hon > lol?
both are great and actually am happy that people got more than 1 option. on the other hand personally i play lol (because lyk regular Poland i can't afford 10$ :C) so answer is pretty clear, wouldn't you say? XD
money is excuse.. u just dont have the skill hoN takes
no, ya

cmon its real money :@
Yeah i read that too, stream is integrated in LoL, so everyone counts as viewer or something.

Sc2 main stream (day9) was at 90.000 viewers at its peak (IdrA vs MC) + around 30.000 on other streams... i'm not really interested in HoN, LoL or DotA so i don't care about the viewers there... but for Sc2, it's really nice to see such viewer counts outside korea... same already @ MLG Columbus ... and really looking forward to HomeStory Cup III next weekend (starting Thursday 23.June)
Well that is not true you have to watch thru your browser.
never played any LoL, so dunno ^^
Just saying its not integrated as you said =p
i read something different... and some SC2 teammates from me who play LoL sometimes say you can open stream from LoL or something like that... but as i said... never played it myself.
Well there is a link there yes.
seems like it is pretty hard to understand :8, doesnt matter if u open stream or not lol
then the viewers count should be quite low since the lol servers where down most of the streaming time :P
sc2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ql
sure if you are 4eye nerd
QuakeLive Duel
~ 540€

QuakeLive TDM
~ 540€

StarCraft II
4th ~1400€

rest of the world says so too, including sponsors, dont know why sc2 would be more nerd than ql, ive followed and played both, sc2 is so much more exciting and professional
plz... no offense towards QL... SC2 is big, and i love SC2... but still ... Quake <3 <3 <3
i like both alot :)
4eye nerd only cares about money and profesional esports
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 4eye nerd
League of Legends 100 000$
again i was talking about sc2 and ql, not LoL
How can u compare an rts game, accessible to tons of players to an fps game with a steep learning curve? Retarded comparison imo.

I like rts games and dota type games like HoN and LoL and I get why so many people play them, but to me the competitive aspect is not nearly as exciting as for fps games.
why would i not be able to compare rts to fps, i played both, both are equally accessible. both have large fanbases etc
Why would it be, what does it have in common? :DDDD
u like it more cause its professional? well thats smt...
no i was refering to my first comment, not about how much i like it
who the fuck cares?
all LoL kids get so mad when u cal their game casual cause they damn well know it takes like half of what it takes to play HoN.
deal with it "i prefer it fast and shitty" nerds
are u mad cause lol > hon?
dude i play HoN and i couldnt give less of a shit for LoL.
played that game a couple of times and got bored for it being so limited in mechanics.
like it or leave it but ill stick to the more complicated game for the same reason id rather play ET than Cs.
so u like hon cause ur too noob for lol kk
lets wait for dota2 when hon will die off cause its "more or less the same game" but made by icefrog and hence better while LoL will stay like it is cause dem noobs cant play a difficult game.
dota2 > hon&lol ?

maybe lol > dota2 too
dream on small son
you are really making a point in not caring at all!
he is trying to rage me which is pretty obvious. i still dont care for lol but i do for hon.
ofc he is... thats all hes doin here all day long!
cs > et
lol > hon

u > mad?
och noes !;O it hurts so badly... am bleeding >(

btw how come that et sounds more complicated for you than cs? i mean i got ur point, actually it is more complicated to organise lan event but thats about it? XD
if you cant tell what makes ET more complicated than CS there is nothing else to say then "ur flag" yet again.
Complicated doesnt mean better, all brilliant is simple
for me the opposite is true.
simple is boring and complicated is (more) exclusive
et is not more difficult than cs :)
lol > hon

u goin mad
hon > lol
u bein mad
u obv mad when sayin
hon > lol
cause its
lol > hon

u mad
u mad when saying
lol > hon
cause its
hon > lol
u mad

oh and cu in dota2 but until then you might wonna learn how to play the game properly and not the casual version of it.
u mad cause im not gona play dota2 cause it costs and im too old to pay for a videogame

grow up and stop being mad
haha you dont have money to spend on your hobby.
go away hobo i dont talk to poor people.
I prefer spending my money to havin fun, i dont count gayming as hobby like you nerd rofl
if you dont have 30 to spend on a game that you enjoy then i call you poor. deal with it
If I dont want to spend 30e to a fucking video game i call myself a wise man. Deal with it
30e is not even half of what it takes to party one night. 30e for a game you play thousand times worth 45mins each...
maths isnt or strong point now is it?
find more excuses to be poor and afraid of having to learn the real game.
pathetic little hobo
I know 30e is basicly nothing but the point is that i dont want to spend it on games cause i have better things to spend my 30e.

I've spent enough euros to wow wich i played for liek 4years untill i realized it just repeats itself and is waste of money.

And yes actually i am poor cause im student without job.

EDiT: I play those games what my friends play. My friends play lol so i play lol.
Dont want to play anything if my friends dont and pay for it.
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
poor much? afraid much?
nah, he;s just always mad
feels like im the only one who doesnt give a fuck about hon and lol and just watches CS
200k + viewers for LoL tonight at Epic Gaming Vs Fanatics
bugged viewercount, real viewers about 30k-50k, still impressive though
what is bugged about it ? its just a link in the client .... the player you can see is just a random jpg implemented into the client nothing more
those werent actual viewers thus the viewercount was bugged
based on what source ?
hes thoughts or heard from some troll
confirmed by pretty much everyone that was involved
link or any real proof or just plain words that it was "confirmed by pretty much everyone"?
No its not bugged, LoL is just that popular face it.
dont care about newschool wannabe games, Im an oldtimer from DotA :)
+ fucking 1 though still playing some HoN coz after garena fucked up ladder there's not fun playing it anymore, unless ur in a great team and you play wars.
I am old school professional warcraft 3 player, won so many LANS. LoL is good game.
Why give a shit which game is better. They're both different.
what do u prefer? hon over lol cause u suck at lol or other way around?
Prefer lol personally.
cause u suck on hon :s

it's a matter of taste i would say.
agree with that
this cant be...
so why do they only had 70k viewers 10 mins after the game? cause 140k users logged out in lol?
lol actually has a huuuge community even though its a shitgame and not even close as good as sc2 or quake. and yes i played it much and can say that.
after all it's a free game (LoL) you don't pay anything to play it and thr players who pay for skins doesn't have any advantage only a different avatar so this game it's by far one of the best free games for that in my oppinion. Check other free games and you will see the guys who pay for some items or whatever are in these games have advantages, so if your a "donor"( if i can name like this ) you are much better than other players who didn't payed.

sorry for my bad english
compared to other competitive games its shit, dont care if its free or not... et is free too but much better.
It's an opinion
hon > lol
more importantly, I just cashed in on Hamlin winning the HELUVA GOOD SOUR CREAM DIPS 400 NASCAR RACE, bet 20 SEK (:DDD) won 240 SEK! SUCCESS

thanks Denny Hamlin

image: Denny
played both for a whle now and d say Hon > LoL
lol is free, obviously more people will play it, and since playerbase is bigger they`ll probably get more viewers

problem, logic?

lol`s still crap tho, port them chippers in
i'd argue about LoL being free, sure you can play it free but it gets boring after like 10 games unless you buy new heroes. besides hon is alot cheaper to buy than all those heroes, boosts n shit.
free to play = way higher player base than a game you have to pay for every account

those 16yr kids wont pay 30 bucks for a game, they`d play lol instead
probably thats why 80% of cf community prefers lol =D
Whoever said the viewer count is bugged needs to get his brain examined/you are a HoN player. (Don't reply I don't give 2€ about your dead game.)

They got more than 200,000 viewers because the servers where DOWN the whole game and there was a link to the owned stream as soon as you start the game/home page.

I didn't miss any game and neither did anyone who I know.

LoL is free and the userbase is HUGE, millions of players playing everyday.

RIOT also confirmed they have over a million unique views on the stream during 24hours.

inb4 jelly replies/HoN related crap.
Why do idiots think you need to be logged in LoL in order to watch streams?
Are you fucking retarded? It's just a simple link you have to open and you can watch the Riot stream...
League Of Legends viewers: 200k
Heroes of Newerth viewers: 18k

Its really sad that they call LoL an e-sport...and its THAT popular, what have world come down too?? Im dissapointed in human kind
better buy a dictionary instead of trying to understand the human race

also LoL is gettin rly big & we should support them (im a HoN player)
they might be the game that makes esports in USA & EU
just like starcraft did for Korea
Exceot that it isnt esport.
Every casual nab that camps corners in counter strike can be competetent in lol
esports is never gonna get big if u dont allow other ppl to play games
its not cuz theres alot more casuals & nubs that a game is suddenly competativly bad
So you want a game that requires 300 hours of leveling to be an e-sport? Thats what u want to promote? So kids would grind like nolifers even more instead of going out?
god ur not even trying to understand are u lmfao
TBH I dont even want E-sport to become big, its a bad idea, it will promote unhealthy life style.
tbh most progamers are very healthy, you cant compete at a pro level without a good health...
if it is so easy why dont you go and win 50k euro with your "cornercamping noobs"?
I didnt talk about winning, I said about being good. Being #1 is hard in anything, even shoe throwing championship.
LOL > *anything

Seriously, 210k people watching only streams? Cmon, Hon streams had 6k. To be fair to Hon, that is half their playerbase.

I rather play hon on low lvl then lol on high as fuck, shit graphic and it's casual 200%

And ye telling it has bigger playerbase is really dumb can u guys finally get its free and it will be obviously bigger cause of that

can u guys just stop comparing these 2 games its completely different and it was made for completely different players
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