Brink ODC stream

ODC final match for those who want to see some brink :)
u cant watch it 1st person mode so why would anyone spec this

+ its polish shit.
lets see if brink can make for good entertainment

e: casted in french :C
shit shoutcasters,

closed 8)
1) mute stream if ur not french

2) open your favorite songs

3) enjoy watching this great game
great game.

Made me smile :)
don't hate the game becasue you are too poor to buy a decent pc which can run the game
Speaking about poor : Country: TR

You made me smile again today. thank you :)
your comment is one of the stupidest ive ever seen around CF. Iraq has one of the lowest income avarage, yet some "petrol richies" got probably more money than anyone in your country. Individual's incomes and saved money have nothing to do with the country they are living in, poorboi
Come on, you are stupid Turk and you try to teach me about oil and sheiks :D:D

You are poor, go away now. And my comment is fine. You're the one who assumes things. Estonia > Turkey in every matter.
ok :D go sell candies, get some money and buy a new pc so u can play brink
candies ? Like wtf is going on in your head :D:D:d
mute it even if you are
managed to make both barricades rofl
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