Graphics problems.

Dear community,

I think i have some problems with my videocard, well when i play @ some maps like braundorf and im in the controls or outside the controls my screen is going to shake. In front of trees my screen is also going to shake. WTF is it? broken videocard or -_- ?

i love you all btw
rofl. INstall ur screen on a stable surface plz.
this might be caused by magnets near your monitor (for example: some old speakers with gay magnets)
hmm ill try it, cause i have a old box, 30cm in front of my screen -_-`
com_maxfps 0 can be a problem. To high fps causes shakes. what you got?
seta com_maxfps "125"
that's good, maybe nocti is right?
r_haxstableisation 1
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