Jo Qigong Master

do you belive that? :S if so this is sick, it's every interesting, so i wanna hear what you think, you can also Youtube/Google= Qigong every famous sport in china. after what i saw i kinda belive it :S imma train to it and try it by myself and see :D

I have magic turds that cure cancer
omg soooo scary :SSSS
If he does his tricks for entertainment, great. If he's scamming sick patients out of their money offering nothing but placebo (and massage?) while claiming to have an effect on any illness besides stress (massage & physical therapy may help with that, sure), then I wish horrible doom upon him.
haha agree,maybe he do this, buti don't belive that he can heal every illness, only a great massage
The paper trick is damn lame though, the tester guy deliberately breaks it by stepping on it with a low area of his foot and therefore applying enough pressure to go through. Then the Chinese dude just distributes his weight on as much area as possible with careful movements.

If he could actually magically reduce his weight, there should be no problem using something more simple, like a damn weighing scale to unquestionably prove it...
He doesn't claim to reduce his weight, they say he is able to shift the energy from his legs to his chest, perhaps similarly to how people claim to be able to lie on pins and glass shards and shit.
This is pretty well-known in China. Eastern medicine is mostly a mystery for Westerners but for those who grew up in Asia it's fairly common.
yes it's comman, so do you know if it's real? you tryed it before? :S
Obviously it's not something you can learn by just practicing for two months or whatnot, it takes years, decades even, to master the skill. It's like those monks who can just stand on two fingers.
wellcome to bullshit

image: mg_fronta
no just no
ahahah so bullshit ! :D

He even moved to america, only because of fags paying more money :)
The idea of energy flowing through your body and the ability to focus it isn't that odd or unaccepted is it? People who receive 'painless' kicks in their nuts by apparently managing to focus their energy in a certain location in their body's or few-inch strikes breaking wood or whatever. There is no scientific evidence for energy lanes or 'key energy points' on the human body I believe, but the idea of an Asian gathering energy to generate healing powers is pretty cool. Elaborate placebos can have their use as well I guess.

That paper shit is fucking gimmicky by the way and cause the whole video to look ridiculous.
well the tin foil stuff can be explained by simple chemistry, the "water" can just be a liquid that heats if gets in contact with tin, i can't remember the exact name, but you can build a small bomb using tinfoil and some regular liquids you use for cleaning :P
I thought too that water is not just a water:P
that heat thing was amazing xD
it's every interesting
I think it's every interesting.
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