AntiSec starts

Cyber Evolution!
LulzSec joined with Anonymous.
Party hard now:>
In Wiki we can find that AnitSec means:
The Anti Security Movement (also written as antisec and anti-sec) is a movement opposed to the computer security industry. It attempts to censor the publication of information relating to but not limited to: software vulnerabilities, exploits, exploitation techniques, hacking tools, attacking public outlets and distribution points of that information. Movement followers have cited websites such as SecurityFocus, Securiteam, PacketStormSecurity, and milw0rm to be targets of their cause, as well as mailing lists like "full-disclosure", "vuln-dev", "vendor-sec" and bugtraq, as well as public forums and IRC channels.

Yeah also good AntiSec song,listen words and bass:)
Ha i've read it. I sneezed, and now im gonna leaveee
Oh dear, and you still don't wonder why this white little person has a moustache...
u so crazy
Now let these e-thugs attention-whore together.
pns hack incoming :d

no psn for 6 month :d
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