BenQ XL2410T screen


im thinking of buying this screen cos i have 60hz screen and want something better to play on.

but is it buy worthy?? ive watched some reviews from cs pro gamers and they say its awesome and its like crt...

if someone got this screen, you could post ur feelings about playing with this and is it the big difference to play with 120hz ?? thx in advance

image: colleen-shannon
i didnt notice any difference between switching from 120hz to 85 :D
i have old lg monitor and i play with 120hz @ 640x480 lol
120 is so much better but yeh now playing with shit graphics ;X
It´s any difference between playing on 60 Hz and 120 Hz?
alot of difference. Once you get used to 120hz you will never come back to lower hz :D

it's smoother, feels better for my eyes
oh ag0n, ur so spoiled :XD
!!!!! I've had a 21(or something.. max res: 2560x1680 ) for few years.. it worked with more than 120hz... last xmas i bought a lcd 120hz, it's not so good but i like it! 120hz all the way
that's so true, even 100hz looks like an eyecancer now :D
got 60 Hz now :D
yeah :D idd
Mine is comming in today, need to stay home the whole day of it.
Edit: its in!
so now you'll be even more skilled than before :O?
No, still bad like in unplugged!
lcd 120 hz is cheaper
its also a good thing to check before u buy if ur gfx can support 120 hz at the resolution u gonna use
do u think that gf 9400gt 512mb is enough?? :||
dunno,check the manual(if u still have it) will say there whats max refresh rate at every resolution it can handle
max refresh rate: 240hz :))))))
I've heard that out of all the 120hz LCD monitors this is the best one, I'm using the samsung 120hz one at it's really nice for me. The BenQ monitors are used at Dreamhack too and from what I've heard from people they seem to love the BenQ so I guess it's really good! Seeing as I've not just seen them saying it for advertisement :D
ive heard its the best screen on the market so i hope its not a trap 8)
I'm pretty sure it is tbh, from what I've heard like I said it sounds like it's great. Also all the best CS players and Quake players use it when they are bootcamping in their organisations office (SK office for example)
from what i've read on esr samsung 2233rz is as good as benq and it costs half the price
I don't get people who whine about 75hz monitors, its not like you will become a new mAus when you play with 100+ hz. Shit aimers will be shit, its about talent.
jalo is quite a talented aimer tho :)
revee :))<3
Wasn't directed at him, but a lot of people whine about low monitor refresh rates although they're shit aimers anyway. :] Besides I still doubt theres a difference between 120 and 75, 60 feels unsmooth, but 75 feels fine.
if i had 75hz screen i'd be happy :)) its not being to become a "new mAus".:X
jalo is a rediculously talented aimer tho :)
yea i kinda agree, you can perform just as well with 60hz but with 120hz it all comes a bit easier
It's what you are used to at the end of the day :)
You know what I bring upon you and your team when we're playing a war. I use that screen, nothing more to say.
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