SAGE LAN Stuttgart

Hey guys,
is anyone here traveling to the lan through Stuttgart or any nearby cities?
If you are and have a spot in your car left, let me know, I'm willing to pay for some gas and some food.
Would prefer if you would be driving home on sunday.

just let me know here or pm me.

image: uberapparatus-vice-sexy-girl-zivity

image: 145097-1920x1200
inb4 ask exceed
I have Ballz of Steel !!

No time for LAN
wohne in Esslingen kann dich mitnehmen
Online only soz.
so true, so true...
Yeh, I can pick u up
afaik its in enschede
pm Playmate
Is she going? That would be great, she's living ~10km away
ye but going with train :p
I got room in my car :)

can be arranged! pm me if interested
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