Sponsor starzi for SAGE

Whenever a LAN pops up, that random YCN guy is always around the corne - unprepared as ever.

I've got a room for him, the rest of you make a pledge to this man's travel costs and let's get him to the event! You know you want his videos!

shit song
(Y) Hope to see you there
Hey Big Boy Sean :)
if he doesnt pay for himself whats makes you think he wants to come?
add next time a new sone not a old one ...
Oh, sorry. You don't listen to songs that are old?!

Music is timeless my friend ; )
no but the most are overplayed :)
How about SAGE sponsors him HMM?
Would do if I wasn't already making a loss.
Would be sick to see him there! Just not gunna get to close to him as I value my eyes :D
I will donate 1$ if I get a autographed picture in return. Or you interview GermanyLevin
you kidding?
asking u to post this? :p
ask kaos to pay him for some movies?
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