martin solveig night

yey crossis,

as i can't sleep it's time to party up with mr. martin solveig!

enjoy ;)
oh boy, how could i forget about this one. shame on me! :(
indeed dude, getting crazy everytime i hear this song on the dancefloor. unfortunatelly it's not played that often here... :S
oldy but goldy
Martin Solgay (:
Gay music..??

martin solveig = win
your opinion...
unexpected to see you be completely wrong about music yet again
so my opinion is wrong ?
your oppinion is "not gay". that is wrong.
if you want manly electro pop find out who "cut copy" is. small mainstream son
Next question:

Why do you even care about my musictaste ?
Isnt it my problem, which shit music i like ?

Why do you think that you know everything and why do you have to comment on every sentence i make ? Are you some kind of stalker who enjoys it to critise people and see their reaction ? Mentally retarded ?

i comment on music because that interests me.
i dont comment on the turkish shit that usually comes out of your mouth, only when its about music. why? cause you are _always_ wrong. why do i comment? for my lulz.
do i know everything? not at all but certainly more than you cause you seem to google for "german hosue charts" and that again leads me back to "my lulz".
dont post anything if you cant deal with the feedback.
i can deal with feedback, but you are totally wrong. You have no clue about my musictaste. You talk about "googling for music house"? And you say that i only listen to mainstream ?

1. Whats wrong with mainstream. Its music, which fits to most of the people. Just because everyone listens to it, it doesnt mean that it is shit. Just think about it: Most people listen to it = must be good tbh ?!

2. Most of the tracks im listening to are not mainstream. I have subscribed a couple of artists who arnt known at all and who make really nice music. But as i said. its not about beeing known or not. it is about my taste and i have i like the top 10 of the charts, then i like them. if i like songs of my best friend who sings for 2 years and noone in the world has ever heard of him, then i like them.

next time try to argue a bit more and tell me what is actually shit at my tracks. and dont argue with "they are mainstream"
hi razzah

you seem to misunderstand me. idc about your taste in music i see a music journal, i see ur post, i click, i vomit on my desk, i let you know.

on subject then shall we: martin solveig makes disgusting use of vocals. he has an education in choires and i guess thats where is dedication to vocal music comes from. vocal (house) music is as annoying as it gets imo and what you might commonly call "gay".
so explain to me how his music is not gay to an extend that only 16yo girls listen to it?
again you try to compare your taste with mine. You think its gay and you dont like the use of vocals in housemusic and i dont agree with that.

His track "Hello" is just great. Great vocals and a great instrumental part. In the club everyone knows the text, everyone recognizes the beat and everyone is jumping and dancing and cheering to that song. What do you want more ? Have you ever made a DJ in a club ? I guess not. IF you play then some unknown stuff with instrumental only, then the dancefloor will be emtpy for sure, because noone knows the track.

I like Martin Solveigs tracks, because it reminds me to all the cheering people on the dancefloor. The beat doesnt go out of my head and its some kind of "good-mood-track". If its gay or not is your personal opinion. Just because something sounds some kind of weird or childish or doesnt fits to your mensworld, it doesnt mean it is gay
it seems like we go to different sorts of clubs. the venues i go to never play any music that people actually sing to. we did that when we were 14 and going to (mainstream ;>) house clubs.
i dont actively DJ myself but one of my closest buddies does and therefore i do know about the choices you have to make to please the crowd. yet again if you'd play vocal house on any of those parties people would prolly throw you out and DJ with an ipod.
when the weather is good we just take out the system place it on the shore of the rhein and people happen to drop by and dance a bit.
or haning out with the guys at maastricht massive
absolute tunage right there
Only really like Everybody from him, although some of those vids are quite catchy
saw him yesterday in brussels
how much did you pay? :)
Nothing! :)
But he wasn't alone. Have you ever heard about the french tv show "taratata"? It took place in brussels and some great guys like him gave a free show :)

I have to say that he sings like a dick :D
well never heared about that show. is he singing himself in his songs or is he just making the songs? :)
Yea he is singing. Nothing was recorded before the live: they use a real drum, a bass guitare, etc.
well as long as the rhythm and the beats are cool i don't mind about his vocal skills :)
see him at tomorrowland
a long with oh
David guetta, swedish house mafia, tiesto, faithless.. not gonna be good at all
Shit lineup...

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