webdesigner needed

looking for webdesigner/someone who can build a page for our new team
will be rewarded with something

/q point\RMY or #blackpoint


[e] Found someone, thanks for the offers
...something like nothing?
free bouncer
how much do you pay?
between 20 to 50 euro's depending on final result
Im interested, 50 euro is a minimum.

Just pic a design and fill the info.
how could web front-end be anything but open source?
ill do it for £50 http://www.mintuz.co.uk/ - Services page is abit messed up at the moment. A wordpress update messed everything up :D - heres my portfolio http://www.mintuz.co.uk/photofolio.swf I guess you will want to use a CMS like webspell aswell.
jesus christ ur portfolio :D
everything looks the same :P
webspell isn't a cms it is pure bullshit.
hahaha i can even make better looking website with paint and html
50€ for a website ? trololol !
Currently doing one layout for 25 times that price and I am working with student prices.
I cba doing a full layout from scratch for 50 bucks :x

EDIT : I do some design works when I need money and I'm paid 400€ a day... I charge 1000 to 1500 € for a webdesign and i'd say it's cheap compared to the competitors..
That is exactly what I am implying as well. People don't realize that some do it for living and it's their profession.

e: I'm not flaming towards you with the next comment, but if you charge 400e a day -> 1500e/400e ~3½ days work, you really can't produce top notch product with a such a short time, and do proper research beforehand. But if you mean it by man hours, it is 84 hours which sounds more like it. My current project is counted to take 150h from scratch to finish.
According to my experience 400€ is just a basic salary you get when someone needs a freelancer to do some design stuffs but nothing specific.

When things come with a real brief then I can do some calculations and charge my client depending on what they need. For example, a website.

Some people don't understand the difference of being an employed designer and being a design freelancer. It's totally different.
The main advantage is that you're really more paid but there's a big issue with that status. It's hard to find contracts and the clients have a lot more expectations and are far less flexible.
Yep, and specially in the beginning of your career, you can't afford to pick your clients. But getting any job will not be easy if there are dorks that create websites for 50€ :D
Actually if it's just a front page with 3 random <div> it's ok :D
Freewebs is all you need
facebook is reasonable aswell
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