Song of Ice and Fire

Ordered the books but does anyone have a link to the audiobooks?
only ones i found are quite old and taken from casette (weak quality).
Hey, what site you ordered them from and how much did they cost? I am planning on ordering all five when the latest comes out (in the mid of july I heard). Will not watch the hbo serie before I have finished the books :p
same here.
i oredered at amazon cause there i can use my parents account and i dont pay myself x.X
you know as it is books and all
I checked them out at amazon too, some bundle that had 4 books in it. I have once ordered a book from there before so might just stick to it because of the weak dollar rate. Was a bit annoying delivery though since I didn't got any confirmation mail or anything, almost forgot the whole thing and then suddenly it arrived to local post office..

And yes, I know what you mean, parents are more than willing to sponsor you to get out of computer for a moment ;D
finally got round to ordering it and i got the complete collection 1-4 (5th on 12 july) for under 20e

people read for you, you just listen :D
some guy reading the book.
if you do over 30k km a year it _the_ pastime for driving :)
I know what it i but I think it is kinda stupid :)
how can it be stupid?
u chillin in the car and effectively "reading a book".
as awesome as it gets.
music > audiobook
music nur im stadtverkehr richtung autobahn und von der autobahn runter.
ich fahre über 30k km pro jahr (55k km im ersten lol) da kann man net die ganze zeit musik hören, da braucht man was ums gehirn busy zu halten.
mhh verständable
Their is no official audio book yet and can't find any at all :(
i just , JUST finished of the last episode of the series and im gonna start on the books now, reading the first book allthough ive just seen it :P. I just want to read the book then start on the next ones.

the series were already amazing imo so i wonder how much the books will excite me:D
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