BRINK patch

for the ones who care - weapon tweaks - game tweaks

played it myself, some of the more annoying things are fixed but still no demo/first person spec mode.
should have happened before the game came out

seems like they're doing a BETA test with paying customers... badly done Splashdamage & Betheseda... should have waited like 6 months before releasing the game and done a demo instead
lol you think thats bad, try playing duke nukem multiplayer, wud be good apart from the lag and the shity server browser.
i guess its kinda hard to test games as in like unit testing like google would do...

im looking forward to idtech5 because they've tried to make it a smooth and fast running engine rather than pretty (although they advertise that it can achieve 60 fps like thats amazing or something xD but its better than idtech4's 30fps target)
with what kinda of machines ?

50 processor cores ??

10 sli/cross gfx cards ??

40GB RAM DDR8 ??

2HB disk space ??
ps. come play ET
pay me waffles and i may :D thought you had a team tho.
nice, gonna try rite nao 8)
nice, hope ESL will ban grenade shooting soon. Too many teams relying on it and it's getting abused
the important thing to note is:
stil no SDK
what is sdk, may i ask?
software development kit
isnt it source dk?
something that we used to get to make games awesome :<
aaaaaah - for like promod? excuse my ignorance :D
Basically yes and for custom maps etc etc.
Frankly a game which pretty much exists solely for online play and therefore relies on clan competition, you would have thought they'd have released a development kit on release...
tried, dunno if the public was lowshit or if the game improved, but i can hit easier :d
Vsync is now enabled by default


Carb-9 SMG damage slightly reduced
Carb-9 has even spread, instead of clustering towards the centre
Carb-9 recoil slightly increased
Carb-9 slightly less accurate

opzich heb ik wel 40 eu weg gegooit :9
carb 9 made the game a bit enoyable, little hip aim atleast :p

have not tried the new patch but i hope they dont destroyed the weapon to much :P
tbh, they should have even improved the carb-9 and all the weapons together.
And less distance fall off for all weapons would have been great.

But those things will only happen when there is a sdk and promod, sadly it is taking too long again so it will go the same way like it did with etqw. When there is a promod, everyone will be gone.
even less and less players on brink publics. Will this patch help? After the championship all big teams will leave. It's even hard to find a pcw these days. Looks like only a dozen guys still play the game.. it's silly
It's nice to see updates but it would be even nicer to see some fix for ATI Graphics Cards getting terrible fps. Obviously there is something seriously floored with either the drivers or the game, or they would have fixed it by now... and to be honest I doubt its the drivers as ETQW played like crap when it first came out too... It would be interesting to see how much they tested Brink and how many different hardware specifications they used. The game just stinks of lack-luster testing. A fundamental problem of crap frame rates for a huge percentage of your customer base should have been picked up in testing on the first day... wtf were they doing?

Also inb4 get a good pc blah blah bullshit; my pc is fine and should easily be able to play this at a constant 30fps atleast!
QuoteFixed being able to collide with grenades as a spectator

Adjust your tactics accordingly!
QuoteCarb-9 SMG damage slightly reduced
Carb-9 has even spread, instead of clustering towards the centre
Carb-9 recoil slightly increased
Carb-9 slightly less accurate

everyone be fucked, yo
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