most aim based games?

what u think are the most aim based games, that are fast like et, but

with good hitboxes, no spread, no leaning etc

does something like that exist?

quake would be perfect, but should be more machine gun based, not rocket spam
tomb raider
ye exactly, would be the perfect game with other weapons
instagib + warsow instagib also
Left for dead
sex :x u need to aim!
u need to know it :D
How can you aim if there is no spread? :)
wanna pracc ?
pfff i was about to write the same, then i saw this :(
offi's only
not if you use an aimbot
but you will need many boyfriends ah saskia :XD
So you want a game with only one gun?
no, but for example railgun, pistol, mg

everything without spread, would be pure skill, no luck
that would be awesomely interesting for anti-cheat coders

they would have to insta learn how to detect humanized (intel a few years ago said something about implementing some kind of detection on processors but then we all loled =DDDD )
baboo violent :D
League of Legends
et, since of knockback,spread, and low bullet dmg
Quake Live
quake easily
quake TDM/CTF are way more hitscan than duel
LG/plasma pro weps, mg for poor bums
Quakeworld povdmm4. Shaft only :-o

Also I still don't get it why there are ppl complaining about the ET hitboxes. They are pretty good compared to other games.
i dont really know about other games, but wouldnt call them good

arent they better in games like cs or cod?
CS 1.6 boxes are pretty accurate. However the CoD4 boxes used to be utter shit (especially at sprinting, jumping, crouching), atleast at the time I played it (some weeks/months after the release).
Afaik the developers of Doom 3 first used a direct polygon hit system (not sure if it made it into the final game) and then complained that they didn't hit anything. So practically what they had was the perfect hitbox system which wasn't fun to play at all.

And as I read in a HoN related blog someone posted on here the author of said entry said that the joy of every online game is to find and abuse glitches or the possibilities the game gives you (like pyloning enemy bases in Starcraft etc), so why not live with and enjoy ET hitboxes and finally learn to use them to your advantage?
unless you are from eastern europe.
q3@promode, isn't it obvious?
quake live
warsow lasergun with strong ammo
Played UT2003 instagib with friends. that was cool.
quake 3 promod
Not sure if troll, or just very stupid.
Need Fry pic
Quake Live, overall its just the best game around tbh, too bad I only just started playing it
Mario Kart 64

its really hard to hit people with the bananas or green shells
Quake and Unreal.
action quake 2
Age of Empires 2
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