Dinnertiimeee 89 :D

image: i354dh

- normal food with a bit of corn bread
- no pills
- no steriods
- no creatine

and what have happend alexL have gone from 116kg big and strong to 92kg spagetti man.

image: 2e490k4

I should start training again ;(

wat u eatiN?
:D u maD?
a young van damme :D
ur shoulders are to small compared to the rest of ur arm

just look like that, shoulders have always been my strongest part :P
na u just didn't train shoulders enough compared to the rest of ur arm

I dislike training my shoulders too but never forget to train them ^^
ate chicken wings
i just ate 4 tosties chicken/cheese
wow that looks delicious
you look so quite! :))

wanna date?
quite or cute :D
ja hij lijkt erg still idd


you've got them guns but are missing dem chest imo(altho I can't properly see it)

no homo.
One-third of a cucumber, 1 tomato, 400g quark and some nuts :-(
Well, it's not that terrible after all, atleast fresh and relatively healthy.
Came home late from jogging, didn't feel like cooking :-P

I tried some homemade wholemeal pasta today. Went horribly wrong, looked like flaked kebab. Will stick to the normal flour again next time. Also the wholemeal pancakes didn't work out but that might have been because I only had 1 egg left :-D

Gonna bake some bread with the flour next week! If it turns out good, it'll be on my blog :-))
You're looking good:o way better than from what I saw from a few years ago.
Above -nuts.

Quark & veggies mix up very nicely to a dinner if added a little meat. Well actually any meal.
you really like quark don't you :d
Well, it's cheap (500g -> 62 cents) and the nutritional values are pretty good :-(
Also quick! No cooking at all :-)
have you tried combinations already, like just saying mixing up quark with jam or so
yeah of course. Not using any jam or other sugary stuff for dinner though, gotta have it low carb! I like it with some honey and cinnamon or even chocolate powder as a dessert for lunch. Or just mixed with fresh fruits. Put it in a blender and you get a nice smoothie. :)
even the weird ones :D ? shall I say some quark with cucumber (just first thing that popped into my head)
Quark + cucumber + some garlic and other herbs = some nice Tzatziki :-D
you cant beat tzatziki
i like! =)

im on diet atm so not much just vegetables, fruits n stuff. no noodles, potatoes etc :)
tbh you don't need to leave that away, a few pieces of potatoes aren't a problem as you can't eat many of them without feeling filled up, almost the same with pasta. But at fruits there is the problem that you can eat a lot of it without feeling filled up, so the most people eat another apple/orange or whatever, but in total you often take more calories to yourself. And beside that probably one of the best helps against a lil hunger is a lil piece of cheese or a glass milk^^ A well balanced food and a bit of sport, may it just be like joggin arround a couple of minutes in the morning or cleaning the flat, it doesn't matter :p
cleaning the flat?? did u say tthat cause im a girl? :O
well i try to eat balanced. when i have big hunger i eat bit bread or sometimes some potatoes to a meal. im not fat its just my body feeling what says hey some kalories less.

but thx for ur help :)
what's your bf xD
no idea, almost got a good sixpack atleast :P

but i have been working 2much, day and night. have not been able to train or eat good in 2 monhts.

Started to train now again, guess i will add some old muscles back atleast :P
pff 8pack > * :D

ye start training, consistency is key, and try to eat a g or 2 less carbs, you look like you have loads of fat under your skin -.-
the knife is supposed to be in the right side
I ate chicken.
left handed? :D
lefthanded ppl doesnt do like he does man?! I KNOW coz im lefthanded

me likes!!!
those juices are full of sugar and aspartame man. btw milk is shit
i ate dicks
nothing special
i like ur eyes
never give up alex, never give up.
im still a big fan of you. have you considered acting? i would love to see you at mib or next james bond :)
alexL :-)
its all about the Milk and Yogurt
smarties !!
Milk from december?!!?!?!
better proteins then.

shh gammal bild :D:D:D:D
Why would you post a pic that is a year and a half old? Are you trying to trick us?
jag heter zanc, och jag talar svenska
I think you look good tbh, not pumped up as alot of those gym-fanatics but just natural!
Topless pic pl0x
i have the same polo, gotta love ralph lauren
you act like some davidoff-homo :: ona fuckin ET page :D!! straight up
i am eating your mother's pussy
mjolk :p made me smile :p
i just ate 542,873g chickenbreast

u mad now?
U fucking gay
Fast Food Lasagna - Epic Meal Time
you are an amazing looking man .
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