Tetris anyone?

Anyone playing Tetris on any site/client?

I started playing in Aapeli.com but lack of players I searched new page to play. I found facebook tetris, Tetris Battle. I played it pretty long and still play sometimes due the number of players is high and you always get opponent. Anyhow it has one large downside and it is lag which causes some missdrops and so on.
Nowadays I play Lockjaw ( http://www.pineight.com/lj/ ). You can customize it to your own likes. 40 Lines is my favourite gaming mode.:)

So, anyone playing tetris on any site/client?:)

Tell your records as well. (prefereably in 40lines if possible)
I am playing it on Gameboy
playing it on my mobilephone

image: i3bs5dqr
I played Tetris 20 years ago
Why not anymore?
I was the best - no more competition
tetris hard go pro
Theres tetrisfriends.com which has 40lines and the likes, but i usually cant be bothered to focus when playing tetris, so i just play freetetris.org or quadrapassel if im on ubuntu.
Downside of freetetris is that you cant have custom binds, but you can just rebind via AutoHotkey or smtn.
Damn laggy, same creator with Tetris Battle so no big surprise. Still managed to do 1:20 time in 40 lines which isn't that bad...
me and FeedMe always did dualtris :) highscores all the time

nowadays I pwn facebook tetris
I hate 40 lines :(

it's not really tetris - Tetris 1v1 one who gets to the top first, loses.

I'm up for it, if you need opponent !
40 lines single game:P

I am not that good in 1v1 because you basicly win in it if you do huge combos where I am not good.
still wanna play :D.? i'm bored
awesome game of all time

simple, mind fun, addictive
I'll play! :D I'm ranked 19 on facebook atm and am bored
My rank in 40 lines is 30 lololol! 1v1 27
ive only played about 80 matches with 50 wins 1v1 :P
have to try it. I played tetris friends alot! i am ranked first of all my friends :D

tetris battle was ok too
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