drivng test

just failed my driving test, got 3 minors but i staled and tried to move off when the car wasnt even on while there was another car waiting, what a genius ey!
u stooled?
no i think u just wrote stooled
i did then edited, which is what i do once i make mistakes.
yes but how did you exactly stool on the road? like you pooped and it came out of the exhaust ?
A stall is the slowing or stopping of a process, and in the case of an engine, refers to a sudden stopping of the engine turning, usually brought about accidentally.
no mate stool is the thing that comes out of your rectum, poop u know?
funny retard
u mean u had stuhlgang?
This does not make any sense.
failed...good luck next time
failed too first time because i never checked all 3mirrors when switching lane :/

was np next time. driving without accident or ticket for 4 years now
you have to check all 3 before switching lane? here at driving license exam its enough if you check 1 mirror, if you would need to check all 3 the lane would finish :D
yup, theoretically you have to check back mirror, side mirror and over your shoulder for dead angle. so it's 2 mirrors + 1 dead angle check actually...

makes sense in some way but ppl don't rly do it i guess, including myself
i do the dead angle check and 1 mirror check. dead angle accidents happen so fast
look at 1 mirror + look over your shoulder
just keep at it, was just ur nerves, everything will be cool and you will pass next time!
i passed mine first try hihihi
just keep focused and dont think about fag sitting near you.
As if you failed, easiest thing I have ever done.
i got a major on my first test and they still let me pass, cause i'm that fuckin' awesome
Anyone else smell bullshit?
smell bullshit all you want, it's true

they said i straight-lined a roundabout but because i was aware of my surroundings and made sure it was safe they let it go (it was pretty quiet to be honest)

i also had 2 minors

e: so obviously i HAD a major but he didnt mark it as one or then i'd obviously have been failed
passed my test first time, feelsgoodman
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