Questions about Brink

Ok the question sounds rly dumb but I want to know if Brink is worth playing.
What's the good and bad things ?
The competition, the teamplay and so on. More competition in the future than ET ?
Honestly I didn't checked a lot on e-net, I tried to find a demo from a war but I couldn't find it :(

I want to try it but the maps don't see appropriate from competition.
atm brink is dying really fast beause of no pro mod

It's not bad too play .. If you just want to give it a try, download it from pirates sites !
boring game, not worth playing. i don't belive that this game will last over 2 years, maybe it changes if pro mod comes some day.
not worth buying lol :D
you could buy my steam account with this game.
"More competition in the future than ET ?"
this game is fuckin dying, only simoon play it cuz he could be high there
isnt worth playing
It's pretty fun to play, for a while, but it's a console game really, don't see it lasting more than another couple of months.

Comp wise it'll die when ESL is finished, unless there's a pro mod before then.
Brink is one of the first games ive played that completely NULLifized individual skill.
don't think there's a lot of future for brink competition, some teams nerding it up hard though
If you like to play games in alpha stage... than buy Brink.
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