your favorite hard liquor

image: jack_daniels-9205

image: 340


image: Carla-Ossa-BonPrix-1
i just wanted to +1 the first one. :)
is shit. Whiskey tastes shit. That's so wnb drink. YOu just see ppl do it in the movies etc and think it makes it good :D
in the movies... what ?

everybody has a different taste.
alcolol is only for cool kids
im not a cool kid
Laphroaig 10y

Real scotwhiskey not some salty cornshit like jd...
schrobbeler! :P

jack daniels is wel lekker, maar ik vind goldstrike echt vies :D heel me keel dan pijn xD
tss pussy :P
mélange du coca et du sky dans tes chocapics c'est pour les gens qui sont nostalgiques!

j&b coca
coca & mentos & chocapic = epic win

image: Troll%2BFace
English is hard...
french lirycs are epic and i'm not sarcastic!
Shits tastey, I only had a few shots but its incredibly good, I don't even wanna know what it cost to get the bottle XD
i hate liquor
I guess it would be rum. But not your cuba libres or something shit like that :D

You drink rum and then coke. Then it's goood.
cuba libre = white rum + coke and lime
so wtf
I dont mix them as a cocktail
only drink vodka

image: 1270551573-vergi80_50petu
pff just 80%? u should try absinthe
Whisky is very good :)
Mr Jim Beam is not amused.
Gold Strike <3
i dont drink alcohol becoz i like to keep 100% control of my body , i dont like the taste and i prefer to to not decrease the protein synthesis in my body for ~20% till the alcohol is metabolised

problem ?
image: file_9_75 <- pure

image: MqGat2xogQsF <- with cola

image: unbranded-aftershock-black-70cl-bottle <- special days
aftershock blue = awesome
image: tumblr_lju0iap0Fr1qen8qoo1_500

tried this last night it's pretty nice :p
double vodka and coke £1.80 at uni. It would be rude not to get 2 at a time.

paid £5.50 for a double vodka and coke yday in a club...

cant afford to get anything else than vodka which is always on offer at sainsburys.
Quotedouble vodka and coke £1.80 at uni

wat?! lol nice
student prices :) when you go out so much its ideal. 1 night out as a non student = 3 nights out as a student.
ye true, beer at student night: €1, as non student: €2,20-€2,40
as a non student here its 4 euros :)
WAT, lol wanna come to nl?:p
beer in Belgium : sunday-thursday 1 € , Duvel 1.40 and a bottle of champagne at 10 or so
shots of petron off the body of a brazillian prostitute
image: 230406391?$product$

quite expensive tho
verse goldstrike

vanavond flippofeest?
nah 1 zuipfeest wel genoeg en dat word feestlift
Daar kom ik sowieso
Mostly prefer rum but vodka, whiskey etc. they all have a place, except gin, I despise gin...
Why did no one mention beer yet LOL
cause the topic is hard liquor
lol beer is hard
but no liquor
image: eristoff-vodka-alcool-express <== only pure, i hate to mix other shit in it because it tastes shit and you have too pee 30 times :X
Sambuca and Jägi :-)

Rum, vodka etc. just for mixing :-o
For relaxing times, make it Suntory times

image: SUNTORY_ROYAL_Japanese_Whisky_aged_12_years_old_700_ml
gtfo you only drink japanese things
Only dumbasses drink alcohol. It makes you sick and silly. You should drink milk instead, strengthens your bones and helps your digestion!
Alcohol gives you more guts so you can walk up to the girl you liked and say hey i like you wanna go out some time. And then you don't feel the pain when she slaps you. Its a win win situation
dont know how bout u but i can walk upto a girl and ask her to go out wif me without drinking:D
I can aswell but remember this is crossfire were talking about XD. Bunch of nerds
ye glad i stopped wasting time at games haha
If you have to be drunk to talk to a girl you are not interested enough in her, hence she will probably not be your soulmate. If you sleep around you will never get a good girl, and Jesus' blessing.
Well Jesus died for you sins, seeing as you don't sin he died for nothing so don't need his blessing.
He died for Eva's sin of eating that apple, not for every single sin we, as people do in our everyday lives.
too bad The Genisis was created after the bible
The genisis was created after the bible was made. Because in the time of the genisis no one could write. The bible was made first and The genisis came after by 4 priests who had "Visions" of earths creation. Do your research next time.
I'm pretty sure Genesis (thank God for spelling) is the first book of Moses, which is in the Old Testament, which was before the New Testament, which was where Jesus' life is depicted in -punchline- four Gospels each collected/written by the four priests I think you meant.
look to make it clear for you the bilbe is like star wars. Ending came first.
plus fucking 1
milks proven to be bad for your body if u drink more then 1 glass a day... it also makes u fat if u drink it alot
Same for alcohol, only milk doesn't make you say stupid things.
then if you wanna drink whiskey, dont take a filthy blend like jack daniels, its crap. would be like 2 euros in shop if the name wsnt this big..

get proper whiskeys

I always liked goldstrike tho untill i got really realy sick of it:P cant even smell it anymore before puking
glenn talloch is nice too
image: 9485_Spa%20Reine%20Blauw%20PET%2024x33cc

good vodka!!
image: sierra_silvergold70ml

tequila tequila
not real no worm in the bottle
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