Gay marriage NY #2

Due to the lack of appreciation of my previous journal from your side (Fropped, lol), here is a follow-up quote from NY senator Diane Savino, which I, indeed, found very quotable:

Quote by Diane Savino“I know many people are concerned about the destruction of the sanctity of marriage, as well, and they view this as a threat. But let me as you something, ladies and gentlemen, what are we really protecting when you look at the divorce rate in our society? Turn on the television. We have a wedding channel on cable TV devoted to the behavior of people on their way to the altar. They spend billions of dollars, behave in the most appalling way, all in an effort to be princess for a day. You don’t have cable television? Put on network TV. We’re giving away husbands on a game show. You can watch “The Bachelor,” where 30 desperate women will compete to marry a 40-year-old man who has never been able to maintain a decent relationship in his life. We have “The Bachelorette,” in reverse. And my favorite show, which thank God only ran one season because it was truly distasteful, was “The Littlest Groom,” where 30 desperate women competed to marry a dwarf. That’s what we’ve done to marriage in America, where young women are socialized from the time they’re five years old to think of being nothing but a bride. They plan every day what they’ll wear, how they’ll look, the invitations, the whole bit. They don’t spend five minutes thinking about what it means to be a wife. People stand up there before God and man — even in Senator Diaz’s church — they swear to love, honor, and obey; they don’t mean a word of it. So if there’s anything wrong, any threat to the sanctity of marriage in America, it comes from those of us who have the privilege and the right, and we have abused it for decades.”
fag marriage should not be allowed
It's stupid how gay marriage is known as gay marriage and not just "Marriage". Just because you have lunch doesn't mean you have 'gay lunch'. Just because you park your car doesn't mean you 'gay parked
Another stupid thing you stole from the internet. If gay parking or gays eating lunch was prohibited it would be called just that. I'm not saying it shouldn't be, but it isn't. Public urination is forbidden, urination isn't and in the end it's both just you pissing somewhere.

E: And now that it's legal in NY you also wouldn't say "Oh, Adam and John got gay married last week". Get my point?
i didnt read your comment :)
I'm not surprised.
so i heard u like backstreet boys

image: eukv8gzg
So I heard you were pounding pussies in second grade and didn't do anything childish ever.

Oh wait, you just got offended over the internet and think it's smart and cool to post fairly personal stuff thinking it would offend me and make me lose track of the argument you were incapable of finishing.
cmon delete your comments so noone can see my reply

and i win image: troll%20face
Nah, I got the feeling you make me look like fairly decent human being for once :)
Backstreet Boys, really... :D
I also once pooped at a party once, clogged the toilet, jumped out the window, fell on a bicycle, tore my arm open and didn't even notice until few hours later.

I tend to do stupid shit and I accept that! :)
must have been one hell of a night
It was actually pretty mellow.
hey but Michael Schumacher is ok!
previous comment that was deleted with journal !

grow up god doesn't exist !
I'm a firm atheist and a fair philanthropist and if you didn't pick up the irony in the last journal, I'd like you to know that it was, indeed, ironic.
Sorry i'm not good with all this shit :D
that actually got me thinking, the guy is pretty much right, but mostly in america
other than that, i don't give a fuck and as much as i find gay marriage weird, i accept it and don't care

btw i REALLY hate germans
Yeah that guy Diane is pretty smart.
wow did u actually just said that
Marriage is a holy pact between man and woman, not man and man... Most part of the church agrees on this
eventhough you're a troll i'll still say this; people live in the past and marriage no longer really means something
I am not a troll, and I truly believe that gays should stop seeking equal rights within an institution that clearly does not want gays around. I am all for gays having the same legal rights within civil relationship registration and such, but there is no point trying to mix religious views because they're mostly the same (no fags)

And marriage does mean something even today even if it's value has diminished within the last fifty years or so, it's a holy sacrament that bonds two each other loving people together :)
How does religion have anything to do with allowing partners to visit each other in the hospital etc? So why give it a new name? And the senate, in a, by definition, secular state voted to allow gay marriage in terms of its secular meaning. Religion doesn't have anything to do with it. As you said in your last sentence, "it's a holy sacrament that bonds two each other loving people together"
I thought that this marriage thingy had also something to do with religious institutions in NY, that they would be forced to get gays married :| Was confused
The religious institutions reserve the right to discriminate. They already do so in some cases where they don't agree to marry heterosexual couples.

However, if these people want to be married at a secular ceremony at City Hall for example, the state has no right to discriminate.
marriage does not necessarily have to be entirely religious, in todays world it's in my opinion for most people more of swearing loyalty respect, taking the relationship to another level, showing your partner even more that you care for her/him and always will (well, untill divorce anyway, lets be realistic, alot do not last until they one of them dies)

besides - regarding your first statement - the bible doesn't state anything about homosexual intercourse, marriage or what so ever (inb4 priest jokes)
Just because Bible doesn't doesn't mean the overall institution (all the xenophobic christians) does not
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