Scarzy Traveling

NOTICE: This post will be copy and pasted as many times as I can because I don't expect a sticky topic to be made a week before LAN when there important issues to address such as a new ag0n fragmovie. I hope you admins will not hate on this too much.

As the title says, I'm going traveling this Summer with 6 good friends of mine, this means 28 days of people that I usually would spend a maximum of 12 hours with, so I need to have a few breaks in between to keep me sane and generally not fall out with everyone. Luckily I have the resource of social communities such as Crossfire.

However, since some of you nerds would never go to LAN and some of them just find it weird to meet up with random people off the internet, I'm going to ask for people from the cities that I am visiting to meet up either just for a casual chat, or for a drink. It may also be a good way for people that live close to each other for meeting for the first time too!

I don't care who you are, if you're known, or anything. It doesn't exactly make a difference because we'll simply be meeting up for a chat. I also understand if you think I'm a bit of a cock and wouldn't dream of it.

Im am doing a train route, so certain places will have to be skipped. Though if it was someone that I really wanted to meet I could deal with meeting up elsewhere.

The cities and places im visiting are as follows:

Prague [10th -> 13th July]
Krakow [13th -> 14th July] Meeting up with Johhny hopefully here but I'd also be interested in meeting others such as dnl and n00n if I could get hold of him.
Vienna [14th -> 14th evening July]
Budapest [15th -> 17th July]
Lake Balaton [17th -> 19th July]
Zagreb [19th-> 20th July] danL?
Rijeka/Other areas of Croatian Coastline [20th -> 24th July] SOUNDWAVE FESTIVAL?
Ljubljana [24th -> 25th July] m1ke? inert? NOCTI!?
Lake Bled Area [25th -> 26th July]
Florence [27th -> 30th]
Rome [30th July -> 1st August] STEVEJI?
Mulhouse [Traveling throughout days with lots of miles to cover. Unsure on dates] Rebeli?
Amsterdam [By 3rd of August till 8th of August] Overboost? Twizzt? Squid? Wesbo? Mica? Carlos? Ironic?

I would really enjoy to meet up with people, most of these dates after Budapest are really really rough and I'm not sure if we'll actually get to the places on the suggested dates or not.

I'm going to suggest using whatsapp and/or email to keep in contact and arrange things.

Tell me what you think and if you would be interested. =)

image: 166322_10150115637781742_651281741_7559528_8186896_n

I'm the guy on the left. Don't like strangers.

tl;dr: look at the city and the dates, if youre interested in meeting me for a drink or a chat, leave a message!

A week earlier in Slovenia and you could have gone to metalcamp :ppp I hope defcut meets up with you for a beer :-D
kids shouldn't be allowed to travel without their parents
I like the tl;dr version.
tl;dr version was also too long for me :$
come to Estonia! :)
I plan to come next summer, want to put my up in Tallinn for a night or two? :)
we'll see, we'll see! :D
i was living @ mulhouse 4 years ago dude, too bad late ;o
come to Chile buddy :D
n00n is a pretty sad faggot who invents stories to make himself look cool, I guess some of the polish people here know what I'm talking about
Not the only people to have heard the stories. I like the guy though, was great fun to play with.
At cc7 I ran into the guy and he was like

"Hey are you kevin?"
"Is vila here?"
"Ah ok thanks, here take a beer"
-Ok sure cool-
"See you later"
(And I gave him a beer back when I ran into him again the day after).

Some weeks after cc7 some polish guy ( I think it was Krein, not sure) pmed me to make fun of me because n00n nearly kicked my ass and I was literally crying for him not to do it.

It's only a small example.
Yeh, shame he disappeared as he was a nice guy (and hilarious), although I'm quite sure he owes someone on vent some money, which isn't cool!
u so cute u british faggot. stop blocking my country for joining EU!!!!
hey scarzy gl with your holidays mate,

btw want to join us in the rtcw cup ? searching high skillers like you, cause we are going for gold :)

and come to ghent, ill give you a free duvel ;)
ook star warz geweest :D? ulterior motive o/
nee khad nog examens e :( wast in orde?
ni normaal man :D alleen noisia was beter! in t algemeen beste editie ooit
im goot rtcw palyer :[
I need dates! :)
still want my channel ! :(
I confirmed!

happyhappy people
im working near krakow so u can pm me if u wannt drink some beer
Sounds good, IRC?
my pc is broken so im typing on crossfire by mobile pm me here :)
diablos lives in Rijeka, Squid lives in Utrecht, ain't that far from Amsterdam though
How many of those peeps actually live IN Amsterdam? =P
Exactly none. twizzt and ironic (and I think overboost) live down south, squid and mica in/near utrecht.
think only me and wesbo live near amsterdam :)
I dont mind branching off to see them/meet up in one area. Doubt they will either. Stop hating xoxo
I just like feeling superior towards other dutch people by actually living in Amsterdam ;)
Be warned, Scarzy is a serial killer and rapist. If you meet up with him at any of these places, you're fucked.
he can rape me anytime :x
looks sweet HF! would love to see some more of central europe myself
OH FUCK U AINT COMING TO SPAIN!? its close to rome!! (:XD)
are you crazy? just 1 day in austria?
Vienna is very expensive too, just cutting through. Hope to do Germany next year and will go to Austria/Swizterland then. It's hard to tell friends that have only done pool holidays all their lives that culture holidays are better, which is why we're going to Croatia.
visit the jersey shore ppl in florence
come to my home for some good weed! it's a shame that you're not coming to Rotterdam
Im pretty glad that you added me to the list of people you want to chat/drink with :D
Im up for it, cya thar!
see you here, if you know any other croats beside me tell me and if they're from zagreb I'll try to get them to come
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