Need moviemaker (2)

Hi moviemakers,

Long story short, I don't have the time or somewhat motivation to make another movie. However i have shitloads of demos (think 100% vs EC players) from past 2 years and i cba to throw them away, i'd rather share them with all of you. I have already scanned them with demoscanner and bla bla blaaaaaa. Frags are smg and/or strikes mostly. So, if you think ur good enough moviemaker AND have some of ur work to show me feel free to pm me and we'll talk about further crap.

Contact rather here on xf or if i'm on irc then
why can't you make it youself :X
Mambo Jambo 2 starring KAZZUJA

doe je ook ages over ;p
schiet dan ns op man, die testclips zien dr vet uit
kga denk ik de movie cancellenimage: cool_face_802
Hij komt deze zomer uit denk ik :P
I don't have the timez, i'm like 4 to 5 days a month at home atm and in the autumn army calls me : (
g'luck :]
France ERUZZ ??? :PP
lol next time use ur freetime for ur movie instead of ur 17 last testclips 8D
i have no fucking idea what ur talking about!
so what ur saying is that i should make a fraps movie? no thx! these are simply test clips for me and some other ppl about colors and motion blur. making a movie is far far far more time consuming than making same clip with different color settings or smth like it.
i meant u used ur free time for these clips, i think u can easily make 3/5mins of ur fragmovie if u were working on it instead of test clip :p

i dont get why you talk about fraps. but ye making a decent movie with cams & sync take more time than clips.
gl, forum section could be more effective tho
euruz siiiis :)
miks sind kodus pole kunagi? :(
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