global cfg sniper?


with the 5on5 global cfg, we can have only 1 sniper per team ( without using bug if there is one )

so why with the 2on2/3on3 global cfg we can have 2 snipers ( or more?? dunno, didnt try )
sound pretty stupid imo

and why y u no fixed that shit forcetapeout when u get killed by a grenade?? y u can not into tap when u got killed by a nade

dear cb, esl, fix that shit, thanks

image: 7afe58b1b6cc156159345ab0486a24f9
i posted the 1st chick before stop stealing
i no stealing, didnt even see ur post
can this guy be any stupider?
is it a new cfg out or what ?
nah but lastest one ( from 2010 i think, dont remember )
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
what makes you think that you can only have 1 :XD
Like I know forcetapeout fixed in new winter cfg.
whoevers making these cfgs are shittards

actually fix forcetapout instead of saying you did
get that sniper limit out of here, its one of the few "different" strats left in this game
unlock b_simpleitems again
the 2nd chick is quite awesome
you are an idiot, fucking moron, rly
+1 about tapout also with arty or strike, so with all instand gibs, u cant tapout :S
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