Community killing TF2?

Why are people so fed up with free2play? :<
they mad cuz they paid for it
they mad cuz they paid for it
they mad cuz they paid for it
they mad cuz they paid for it
they mad cuz they paid for it
you j3lly cuz i iz a combo breaker ?
They do not understand that it's only a good thing for their game. They actually get more for their money than they expected but they dislike the fact that others get the same thing for free. It's in a human's nature to always compare themselves with others.
image: sigpic5460-1

women = TF2 community
guy = TF2 developer
good old greek movies
ahah look at the first blond chick, she put her hands on the wrong side :xX/X/x:x/x/

stupid girl
it's a fun game but I wouldn't pay for it. Don't know why they're so mad because this might even save the competitive scene.
lol they mad
playing for 2 days and got bored,game is way too easy
TF2 becomes LoL

LoL = faggot game

valve made an awesome 50$ game into something for bums and cheaters
Valve earns money from the items anyway.
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