lol i had a dream about a LAN

on SAGE or on any other lan, and there was this Belgium Krosan and Netherlands Frop talking, for some reason I came to Belgium Krosan and smashed his skull into the wall, for no reason, and Netherlands Frop was just standing and laughing.

and I wake up with a smile on my face.

image: beyond-good-and-evil-beyond-good-and-evil-demotivational-poster-1264131435
It's the visual manifestation of your unconscious mind's ravenous yearning for aggressive intercourse with said administrator, most likely because, in reality, you bear significant resemblance to a meek, sophomoric lamb when it comes to social interaction. The passive role of Netherlands Frop leads one to think of him as the father figure in this particular scenario, who you have always tried to please but from which you have never received the love you needed to flourish and truly enjoy life. I thank you for seeking my advice, there's the door, these are my rates.

Good day sir.
posts like these will get u laid for sure
Nice job Sigmund Fraud.
Cant tell if mistake, or just funny.
Purposely refering to the fraudulent nature of psychoanalysis.
is it really all that fraudulent?
In my opinion, yes. From what I know from people with depressions etc. I know, they mostly project their own problems onto their patients and in the end fill them up with anti-depressants. In fact, I had a friend who killed herself with her mother's anti-depressants at age 12, which is kinda 'ironic'
Freud's ideas were interesting and he has provided therapeutic psychology with many insights I believe, but some of the concepts of neuroses and the Oedipus-complex are mostly hogwash. A professor of mine once semi-jokingly said that he considered Freud to be as excellent a writer of fiction as Dickens was.
yeah, and here we go. you cant really say, that his work was fraudulent, while he brought us many insights etc. he surely had many strange opinions and did many mistakes, yet he still moved psychology forward alot
I think Freud was a man of great intellect, but you shouldn't forget he was on coke quite a bit and was probably quite fucked up himself.

His work is fascinating, hence why students nowadays still study his writings, and he has probably indeed helped psychotherapy immensely (I am not into psychology so I honestly cannot tell), but I would take his theories with a pinch of salt.
yeah, he was taking unbelieveable amount of coke, indeed

its sure thing you have to take it "with a pinch of salt". its like every "old" theory - it did help in its time, and for example cannot be applied nowadays anymore.
on the other hand - psychotherapy based on psychoanalysis is still in use, so supposedly something of his work still lives ;)

Let's have a line of that cozy white powder to celebrate his achievements.
Haha, yeah :D I am sure he would recommend it to us, as he recommended it to many of his friends.
Did your professor happend to be Allen Esterson ? ><

"Freud beats Dickens at writing fictional books"
Nope but it does explain where mine got the quote from :D

And here I sit thinking he was original and witty. The bastard.
Thank you. I am always touched by the kind words of appreciation from an American. You live in a fascinating country my dear fellow.

paly hon? :'<
sure , lets go, play our epic game
wauw Inet hero

Lol, Krosan would kick the shit out of you IRL, keep dreaming bro
how does frop look like ?
give away the green stuff!
why no journal yet about LoL replacing QL at IEM
sure faggot
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