Michele Bachmann = Sarah Palin
27 Jun 2011, 22:42
Just as stupid as Sarah Palin. Hope she'll be GOP's presidential candidate so we can laugh our asses off some more.
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
makes sense
also, why is the name of the serial killer in the title, she was obviously referring to the western guy
E: John Wayne Gacy Jr., on the other hand, is from Waterloo, IA.
Chicago, Illinois, USA
how can he be from waterloo
so yeah funny, but not too dramatic
€:i would do her
You also have to keep in mind that she went to her hometown to announce her candidacy for presidential nomination, so everything she said was probably long beforehand. And again, it is HER hometown she's talking about.
but as long as its obvious she doesnt really mean the killer,i would say its not a big deal
For example, sounds fairly logical, at least at first... I'm sure essentially slavery would be just lovely -.-