HoN progress

got to 1592... last game till 1600, tired as fuck

had a lineup of bubbles, maliken, blacksmith, magmus, and puppet (me)

after doing a perfect firstblood in their woods ganking WS, we throw it away and started getting rolled by their team:

Wild Soul

i couldn't build my shroud for 25 minutes and had stats 0/5, raged hard;$ our maliken was suffering aswell cuz we didn't have wards and he got ganked 24/7, but after our bubbles (2,3 kdr, 500 xpm, luckily i had him on my team) got a hat-trick, build his nullstone and i managed to finish my shroud, we pushed HARD, got 1 melee rax, pushed away, WS got kongor they pushed -> we owned them, felt good.

i finished my bkb aka shrunken head and from 0/5 finished 6/5, and it felt so fucking awesome you can't even imagine, after the game i was like:

image: 1265912504535_FUCK_YEA_s553x473_59716_580_i_heard_that_s268x226_59840_580_Microwave_Grape_Plasma_s268x226_69408_535_RE_Supermarket_Bag_Guy_with_Mad_Skills-s268x226-185992


/noob journal

p.s i've no idea why im writing this down, but the game was epic (when ur loosing it, and manage to turn around, thanks to bubbles <3)

p.p.s (or is it p.s.s.?) finally out of the noobzone, gonna boss some nerds.
playing puppet while there are magmus and bubbles on the board?

image: fuck_that_shit_by_fuckthatshitplz-d3eecs1
You playin this game? Sounds like you're talking about pokemon or something to me..
ofc u dont get it.
hon is for pros only x)
im not good in hon :P:PP
puppet is awesome <33
always played it when hon was free :D
the fuck are you talking about

Good job vessaRm8.
1600 out of noobzone? you wish mate. i was psyched too when i reached 1600, but the reality hits hard.
that's true, there are even noobs at 1700 or at even higher rating. which is pretty depressing when you have to be in one team with them.
i just dropped down from 1740 to 1690 coz i repeatedly get a team what insta picks arachna buys a marcher and goes on mid then dies 5 times and disconnects ^^, or 3 forest on 1 team etc etc ...
fuckyea raised my mmr by 50

feelin good
hea "nerd" palju on? tahax ka honi mängida, aga ei saa updatetud :(
1750 aga no tra vaata selle rollbackiga kaotasin 50, väga masendav:D
n1, ise ei teagi palju mu rating on pole nii kaua sisse saanud logida
Just got from 1100 to 1200.

image: 260_dat_ass_link
good good, well played
so i changed my nick to DixeyNormous, best nickname ever?
still: let's do this dunzy!

-> fishbotx
im 1740 and there is noobs anyway
A truly epic game i played was one of 100+ minutes of like 60-60 kills in the 1600-1700 region, megacreep vs megacreep when you post haste as polly in their base and ult-zerg their world tree while ccing their team 1v4 like bitches with sheepstick hex grip and frostwolf. That shit is what makes hon so much better than LoL. It made me sweat like a pig, it was that intense.
i had 1609 for 2 days, lost 1 game,because we had 1 in our team (1500) and it was his first game ":D" other teamm8 (parasite) was mad because he were on his lane and ragequitted after 0/5 stats in around 5mins from our 1500 guy, so madman got fucked we conceded at 20

back to 1600 now x(
got bad news for u mate
im on 1750 and u know what?
everywhere, idiots and feeding morons, 2 locked russians speaking on voice chat etc same shit so i dont see any difference between 1400/1500/1600 ::::D
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