DotA 2.

Hey guys, dota 2 should be coming out soon this year, and it looks really promising. what do you guys think about the game? are you going to start playing it instead of hon/dota? it has alot of really useful things that hon doesn't have, for example if you have to go or you have problems with pc/internet you can get your friend to replace you. Its also possible to spectate your friend when he's playing and there are alot of more things i'm too lazy to write about. most of you should know all this already but whatever. i'm bored and i wrote it for the people that do not know.

so anyways, are you guys going to play it? what do you think about the game?

you can find more info at
totally unless S2 steps up their game by 2000000%.

LoL/HoN arent even equivalent options at the moment, the tools missing from them are so cripling.
also going to play it 100%, pretty dissapointed with HoN lately, plus it's not working for me since i changed pc. and it wont finish update, it crashes when i try to update :S
well the crashes and update bug can be fixed. im more disappointed with the "unread bits" bug which gave me a total of 5,4% leaver.. 47 games before matchmaking, dunno if ill bear that..
not sure what you mean, are you talking about the picture turning unreadable or what? anyways, i have had some gay bug that the hon loses connection or something like that, i can't do anything the hero starts to run to base but i got internet and everything working well and then i can't login back on again. hon has so many bugs and shit that it's not even possible to remember them, can't wait till dota2.
you never got it? it happens totally randomly, you just disconnect from the game with an ingame message saying "25827 unread bits" or something like that and cant reconnect..

or not randomly, i suspect it happens more often with devourer in the game.
Happened to me dude. Did a reinstall and still wouldnt update.

Try loading HoN, clicking No when it wants to update, then re log and try updating then. That worked for me :D
okay gonna try it, thanks.

dota is 10x better than hon and lol anyways
that's true, but i haven't played dota for long time since Garena lost ladder and i had no team to play with.
Ladder was useless anyways, lots of drophackers, friends/teams playing on 1 team and the system was shitty anyways. You can get some good games at high lever rooms tho, at least the #1 gives some pleasure at times.
that's true, but it was rare when people quitted, and that's why i played it+ the ladder level motivated to play more and more.
there is so much league now that you can play, some for everyone, some you need to get vouched :) but best client is Dotalicious
idd! dotalicious is awesome, still can't handle some sick dota players, trying to learn from them, but they are so fucking kickass
what's your account name?
admanek, what's yours?
I see you are pretty good ;)
yee :/ could have better score if i can stop having idiots every game
same here, wouldn't die that much and would win much more games, all I need is to stop playing with fucking idiots in almost every game :/
I totally agree with you :D
I hope dota2 won´t be very high graphics so every noob with shitcomp could play it :P
Im hoping it would be the exact same graphics, you don't play a legendary game like this for awesome graphics but the gameplay!
i don't think it's gonna be close to same graphics, first of all why would they make same game with same graphics? and second, you can see that the heroes on the picture are high detail already(not sure if those pictures are how heroes actually look like ingame or it's just painted to make them look good) or whatever.. i'm good at talking shit :S:D
Those pics are just concept art, they are making this game so it would be free from the limits of warcraft 3 client and the map max size.
thought so :S, but i'm kinda sure that it will be better graphics than dota.
ye so we can pwn some ppl togheter :)
Fake and... GAY!

Dota sucks!! Any newbie that starts to play DOTA can learn it in max 1 week. It's way to easy. You need to play ET you need brain and aim at this game. TRUE AND SEXY!
i agree that ET is fucking awesome game, but so is dota. but you can't learn it in 1 week, even if you know the basics and heroes, it doesn't mean you can play it already.
huh? dude, you played too much on bnet
never played on battlenet, ok i did.. but that was for like 1 day when i trolled with butcher and feeded for lulz
waiting for dota2 for a year!
will be shit like dota.

LoL > Dota2
Dota 2 will be best game ever man ;)
allrdy playing in Dota like a 2 years ! some1 wanna play on Garena/rgc ?
nickname: Tolpi
Flag: PL
Knowing what type of games Valve produce, doubt it.

Probably will be LoL level casual game with many hats and other wardrobe elements.
Ashe ?
image: drow_small
Brand's wife?
image: lina_small
Nocturne with legs
image: bloodseeker_poster

Kinda similar champions to LoL.
Last is not nocturne. Nocturne is a demon, this is a man. Can't think of anyone for this one. Could only be trundle in human form.
You know that some "LoL" champions already were there @ DOTA?
Implying that dota is stealing from LoL?
no , just similar champions , boring
You know that LoL stole the heroes of DotA? :DDDDDDD
lol is based on dota, just deal with it
uh ?
like no fucking shit ?
Will definitely be something to try.

I don't understand why the playable characters do not have real names in DotA and HoN. Things like 'Bloodseeker' and 'Beastmaster' are weak names. In my opinion LoL is still far ahead in Lore etc. I have no idea what to expect from DotA.
definitely gonna give it a try , i hope the system will work better...
how you doin bro?
ya play dota? didnt know that :)
im fine thanks , i had played dota for a year but stopped some months ago
i just started to play dota again a month ago or something ; )
hopefully there wont be too much lol players switching over
hopefully there will be a lot of lol players switching over so i can rape their asses and laugh at them*
as long as i dont have to play with them its fine y
It costs?

I will buy/download it for sure. Great game.. But i hope LoL players wont switch to dota since their skill will fuck it up
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