kitzbühel - austria

anyone of u making vacation in kitzbühel from 1.1.07 - 7.1.07 ?
tsss who not
Hahnenkamm ich komme!

tbh: no.
kitzbühel ?????????????
no, i'll be there on the 28th of january. i live near kitz so it's no vacation for me there ;)

nevertheless, have fun. kitz is a good choice
omgoat my family lives there :) my grand-grand-father was the first skiteacher kitzbuhel ever had :o anyways i won't be there :<
no snow no skiing
alda örs kommsu nach innsbruck is vielleicht 45 minuten weg von kitzbühel :P
na sind eh nur ne woche da =/
scheiss snobs
hahnenkamm <3<3<3<3
geh sterben
fick dich bitte SEKTE :d
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