
Vettel's sort of killed the excitement this season, but I'm quite exhilarated about going to Silverstone next week anyway!

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Going to be the first F1 race I'll see live, I'm not really the biggest fan of the whole F1 cirkus although I do enjoy to follow up on results and the drama. Also heard that Silverstone is so much more than the race itself. Hopefully there'll be lots to do and see!

Anyone else going there?

This weekend though I'm off to Amsterdam, will be driving there with 6 friends. I will hopefully be able to take a little detour and swing by Enschede to cheer for Enhanced and to try explaining for Sweden Cupcake that he's pretty good at ET even though he won't get any frags. :3

After these two hectic weeks I'll be sailing in the Stockholm archipelago for 2 weeks, decent summer I'd say. How's your summer turning out?

yeh its a shame Vettel is doing so good, whether its him the car or whatever he's just doing too well :p

still some exciting racing going on though and they'll be alot of UK people supporting our boys so there should be a good atmosphere
It's a bit of both probably, the car is obviously the best on the track. But he's clearly better when it comes to handling it when you compare with Webber.

Can imagine that the atmosphere will be brilliant, hopefully Hamilton and Button will deliver!
alonso > vettel imo
Well I don't doubt that Alonso would actually do as good as Vettel if he was driving for Red Bull instead. I wonder how Vettel would perform Ferrari tho.
vettel has lot of luck also, but imo at the moment the best 3 drivers are vettel, alonso, button
actually if u see when vettel is first and have distance of +- 10 secs on the 2nd place he always drives slower as he could to save the tires a bit so i wouldnt say its luck or smth
on manaco he had ;)
on montreal button had ;)
not rly, because starting on safety car... :/
if there wouldnt be so much safety car vettel would be miles away and button wouldnt even come under top 5
Vettel is only good because he gets pole all the time due to his car being so good, also all the new tracks are boring as hell and literally nothing happens the whole race. If you were to put him in the middle of the field and let him compete against other drivers he really isn't that good.
if its only the car; why is he (practically) always outqulifying webber? im not a vettel fan but all the time ppl are always talking about how its this and that but never really admit the fact that vettel is just a pretty freaking good driver on top of everything else thats going well for him.
Same with the incidence in canada, suddenly everybody was talking like "thats it for him, he cracked under pressure and it will never be the same again!"

dont rly understand why hes hated so much; yes its boring when hes always winning but you cant blame him for that
He is better at driving laps than webber? I didn't say he was bad it's just that other drivers are better at racing than him it's just that hes always in front and he never has to work for his points especially on the new F1 tracks where keeping pole position is pretty easy.
France dominating F1 as usual
Went 2 years ago, possibly the biggest waste of $$$ in my life.

Love F1, hate it live. Much rather watch on TV.
Shame to hear, as I'm going from Sweden I'm positively sure that I'll have a great time in England anyways. But if F1's better live or in front of the TV I've yet to discover :)
I'm sure you'll have a great time! Loads of stuff going on around the area so you should be fine :D
Went to silverstone last year was fucking shithole
As a real fan it's something you really need to do at least once.
Formula 1 live is completely different from watching on TV. The sound and the feeling you get watching those cars and drivers live is just amazing.

+ sound and feeling
+ atmosphere with all the (peaceful) fans and race-action

- it's pretty expensive
- the overview is not like on TV, because you miss the events elsewhere on track (if you're lucky or picked your seat carefully you will have a big screen nearby to catch up on events)

Top 3 advise:
1. bring earplugs!
2. be prepared for rain
3. use free practise to take photo's (if you plan to), during the qualifying and race you should focus on the action
Thank you :)
lol formel 1 lol shit haha
Sounds awesome mate :)

Im going to Kos for a week with some friends tomorrow!! Going to be le epic :)
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