Google+ Project

About time the bring in some competition to Facebook :) Pretty exciting if they can overtake them ;)

Do we need anymore?
Dread to think of the privacy issues with yet another fail Google product
By the sounds of it this will have much less privacy issues than facebook. I wish I could throw different people into different groups and have them entirely seperate on facebook. The people I'm really close to see a lot more than the people I'm not that close with but I just wish they could see "different".
You know you can create different groups on facebook and limit the rest though, right? (may be a bit of a silly thing to ask :p) but it seems this new Google+ seems to control things a lot better though. Would be interesting to see how this project pans out though, and not suck like Gmail/Chrome.
What! GMail is the only usable webmail service on the planet.
What about ymail
This better be good and kill Facebook.
epic bros <3
Why can't internet just get along with each other instead of constantly competing?
As if the Internet is the primary place where such competition occurs. Online is like the only place where you can find a lot of stuff for free.
Because monopoly is harmful to freedom of choice.
you need the competition!
competition is needed for development
fucking social networks...
Waiting for The Google+ Network - The Movie on imdb
google just realized that they can be beated by facebook because it is fastest growing company atm, but i don't think so they'll overtake facebook - it is just too big and rich...
I like this product, we'll see how well this will be adopted.
finally this has come out (saw it when i worked for google) but i thought it would have more features. The circles idea is nice, it sort of divides up your friends nicely. The trouble is I can't see that there is not anything facebook couldn't copy except that Google will let you access your social stuff all over the net. Also will people be concerned about Google's privacy? After all they keep adding information to their search engines...
If I were Facebook I'd just call it a day and sell it for the 71billion dollars that it's worth atm :D!
imo they're too late for yet another social network. not to mention to be near as successful as facebook (even though they're declining a bit now)
Gonna fail like GoogleWave?
Gonna fail like orkut?
more social networks is exactly what this world needs!
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