rent for your flat

just curious how much €€ $$ ££ people in europe pay for their flat...
cuz i am on the look for a new one ;)

i guess the worst city to rent a flat might be london (super expensive ??)

in my city ->> Hamburg,Germany u have to pay around 12€+ for a square meter (incl. all other costs for energy etc.)

€330 @ Netherlands in a city called Ede
515€ for 50 square meters in Lille, north of France (i'm sharing it with a flatmate)
400€ in Toulouse :/ in france
209 @ month including electricity, gas and water
Supposed to be moving in with friends in september, were looking at doing £400 each a month for 3 bed house/flat (North London). At uni in birmingham I paid £240 a month as part of a 5 bed house
my mates rocking kings uni in london, dunno what he pays but he gets by working at a pizzahut so it might now be too bad in someareas
yeah but we need to be in a specific area as mate is a teacher
Oh fair enough then, is your mate covering some of the extra cost of living in that area? As i imagine hes on the better money with you still being at uni. I probably wouldnt make a friend pay extra in the same situation myself, im too nice, but the badass in side me likes to pretend. And I like giving advice to people i would never follow myself
I pay 285€ for, uhm more or less 35m² (+ 1 extern room for random stuff) (size is not mentioned in the contract, just a guess; no water&electricity included)

living in Germany Bayreuth.
my first one 400€ 35m
now i have 55im² for 420€

berlin 5km away
1096€ + electricity
in the middle of munich :P
:y komme dich ma besuchen !!
wann wo und warum? :P
kA irgendwann wenns sich anbietet^^ weil münchen geil ist :D!
:D da muss ich dir leider zustimmen
ahja sag halt mal an wenn du in der gegend bist für nen bier ist münchen immer gut ;)
200 € for 50m² /Bucharest,Romania.
gf pregnant ,need around 70.000-80.000€ for a 3 bedrooms flat :)

gL garf :))
make a journal for donations m8 :XDDDDDDDDDD
will recive only free servers,bnc etc =))
you could start renting out the servers if you get any ;D!

garf hosting > ycn hosting x)
How are you gonna pay that with your wage of 300 € ? :)
internet scams!!
Could be quite succesful. There are enough idiots on crossfire to scam.
Well...hope to see them on the proper sites then :)
depends where you go in London some places are more expensive than other + the quality of some are far better/worse than others.

prices -> low to high, just put Hammersmith as a random location, but this is £/week so so pretty much the cheapest for Hammersmith is ~£350/month according to the info here (probably not so amazing living conditions + shared or something).

more expensive ones come as you go through the pages :d
lad mich ma ein nach hh!
wo liegt denn Heil Hitler genau?
na hamburg haaaaaaaansestadt =)
hast du ueberhaupt platz for me??! :)
kp muss eh gerade alles mit wohnung klären hier :D
hamburg ist halt einfach nur abgezogen, was mieten angeht ..
i know. mein dad hat da nen appartment schweine teuer
Moving into a new place in October, 300€, 68m², 2 rooms, with a friend. Located in Dresden, Zone.
erm, isn't that extremely small for 2 persons :D?
Nah, it is/feels actually pretty spacy, plus we're childhood buddies, so we're used to being close to each other :P
ich dachte dresden ist teurer? voll billig!
Es geht wirklich, auch wenn die Wohnung nur so günstig ist weil wir Studenten sind und die Lage nicht 100% optimal ist. Berliner sind in solchen Sachen sowieso gepeinigt für ostdeutsche Verhältnisse :)
es wird langsam teuer in berlin aber es geht noch im vergleich mit andern. :)
mädel, wir hier drüben wohnen in ostdeutschland, was ist hier schon teuer? :DD
actually net viel :p

ja kA dachte is teuer dresden meine tante wohnt da anner abfahrt rein ri dresden da sahs teuer aus und innenstadt und so ist bestimmt auch teurer:)
mag sein, wird trotzdem noch billiger sein als in anderen großen deutschen städten ;)
swiss 2 high sry
375/400+ euro to get some decent rent here in Warsaw but it really depends where
luckily ive got some own housepart, which is from my grandparants..

But my friends are paying around 1000 € / 50 qm or so :|
nothing, exluding elec , water and shit like that.
780 EUR/month 2 bedrooms - Paddock Wood, UK +/- 100 EUR all other costs
could u send over ur profilpic plx?
cause my box is empty. <
so sorry, it must be hard for u :-(
no i thought u can get a joke or a funny saying but yeah
kitzbühel, got a house there. But a mate of my dad got a 180m² penthouse flat going over 2 levels for 3,600€ without energy costs. The parent's of a mate of me got a flat with arround 100m² for 1000€ without energy costs in the old part of kitzbühel
Im living with my friend who's owning his flat, paying around 80 euros for my own room ;) (for a month)
Siegen: 240e incl. energy/water for ~23m²
nimm mich ma mit! ich komm nach hannover und von da aus nimmst mich mit :x
Ich fahr mitm NRW ticket nach Gronau für umme und von da für ein paar Euro nach Enschede. Wünschte ich hätte nen Auto! Die Zugfahrt mit den Bimmelbahnen dauert schon über 4 Stunden :-D
mitn zug hab ich auch geschaut viel zu lange. :/
mein auto is dafür nich geeignet befürchte cih^^
Ne, von privat vermietet. War mal ne Waschküche ursprünglich und ist in einem hauptsächlich gewerblich genutzten Gebäude (2 Ärzte, 1 Marketingagentur, 1 Optiker und 2 Wohnungen). Für die paar Studentenjahre reichts allemal :)
Wenigstens eigenes Bad und Küche denke ich? Freund wohnt im Wohnheim mit 27m² und das kommt mir schon sehr klein vor.
Jo, Bad ist extra (auch sehr klein, 4m² vllt wenns hoch kommt :D). Und Küche natürlich auch drin. Alles in einem "großen" Raum halt. Praktischerweise gibts eine Nische mit Einlegeböden und Kleiderstange, sodass ich keinen extra Schrank aufbauen muss.

Ist schon sehr minimalistisch alles: Schreibtisch, Fernsehtisch, Bett, Sofa + Tisch, kleiner Sessel und halt Küche :-P
Hört sich schon sehr nach Hotelzimmer an :D
Gibt nur leider keinen Roomservice hier :-P
atm at home for 0€ in 32m², hopefully in Konstanz soon, flats are fkin expensive there to rent so we will buy one (~4rooms and I can rent out the other rooms to have some moneyZ while studying)
I know I'm american so its not entirely similar but I'll be paying ~700 for electricity, internet etc. in a 4 bedroom house with my brother in a relatively nice area (lots of rich jewish ppl)
700$ how much is that, like 200€?
I know, I was just taking the piss.
I was hoping you weren't being serious but figured I would anyways, also its not really an insult to me to be making it sound like the dollar is that much drastically weaker, I think most of this country is as insane as other people make it out to be, meaning alot of americans would get all pissy about that comment cause it says America is weak, shit etc. idc cause thats the truth, it is becoming shit lol
Can't be that bad when you can rent a 4 bedroom house for 485 euro. We got a small appartment or a studio for that money. All this on an income that is lower then in the usa.
I'm not actually paying for it haha, my parents are because instead of paying for inflated campus living I'm living at the house. If I was on my own with a full time job I wouldn't mind it either, but I don't currently lol
I hate you!
380e for 24m2 in Nijmegen
Student dorm is like 100 € including everything.

My home apartment with 4 rooms is like 250 euros including everything, but i live in small city but in the centre though.
Torun (Poland) - 300 euro + water, gas, energy. Flat 100m2. 3 rooms, kichen and 2 balcony
Belgium, Leuven
20 m² - 240 a month (and fixed cost of 500)
I lease my condo for 12months at a time, I think Mother pays like £800,000 at a time. Loose change anyhow.
all depends, 350-500 euro for something decent here in the centre of Antwerp
200euro + electricity for 12m² ..... yes 12 fkin squaremeters ..... @balticocean
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