girls, about them

i know most of here are nerds, obviously, but about the normal guys, when you are at party and see a pussy, do you lie about yourself, about your work, your car and so on? most of times i go "don juan" when im drunk and i get what i want by any means, lying is the perfect way to do it, especially to girls you don't know, and she doesn't know you. not always, if the girl really likes what i do on the party, but hey, talking about yourself "high" is good. not like talking the truth that ur a nerd on a computer game site trolling people for 5 years and not working, nor having driver license etc

alcohol does magic and when you lie -> success.

image: girls-girls-demotivational-poster-1220577517
im always honest and since my life is great, i get always the chicks
i highly doubt that because ur a terrorist, only ur plus is girls like "tan" guys, like you, well its ur nature that ur a sandnigger so yeah.
Hard to be shy on interwebs.
small white lies, nothing big cause they might have friend or two always with em who know more about me + small town someone knows someone always

also i might wanna do her again some next time so big lying aint profitable

np duNzy m8
not really
agree with miNd

and tell her smth positive? and not the bad things first imo... there should be other topics if its seriously meant... =)
ur having dates with girls? :s
replace girls?
Just asking.. :p
just answering :)
she's actually dating me
nah talking when ur sober and when ur drunk as fuck is 2 different things tbh.. because when a guy is drunk he's only mission is to wake up with some nice girl in the bed, so by any means he desperately(?) tries.
:DDDD depends what is ur aim with the girl? serious business or j4f... this is the question nothing more. if i know i wont see him again after the evening, why tell him the truth?
my point exactly :P because lying and after that trying to make a relationship with a girl will be hard hiding the truth :D
but it depends always what is this lie about imo. but there are enough fails you can ,ake getting a girl and a relationship ;)
Speak about yourself, not about males in general please.

I never was like that, nor did I have a need to. Respect goes a longer way than drunken bullshit talk and referring to girls as "pussy".

Besides, you'd be surprised how many girls will go for a one night stand j4f and are open and honest about it.

thumbs up =)
imo its nothing bad to lie when it will be one night if ud like to go serious lies r bad for sure.
dont u think u r only a penis at party? :x :)
only a penis? Can you imagine, a dancefloor full of just penises and pussy.... *eek*

No but seriously, you can simply be open and straightforward with your intentions imo. Tons of girls just want to have have a good time and go for a one night stand as well. No need to make up stupid lies about how big your imaginary car is or what kind of amazing pretend job you have.
some girls like big cars n stuff...

i do not want imagine this :P
Do they also like it if the car doesn't exist at all?
i dunno im not such a girl :) i heard that a friend of mine didnt date him cause he wasnt rich :O bad attitude imo
How can you call that a friend?
its not a friend it is someone from my old school!
well that someone from your old school is a stupid bitch of which I hope will end up with a junky bum.
i heard about and its nothing bad about having fun
Of course there is nothing bad about having fun. I was just saying that it's not just guys that want to go for a one night stand to have fun. Girls are the same way and I believe that if you are open and honest about the intentions you have with that person, it still happens but without the need for lies and bullshit.
we r more bad than guys imo :x
plus fucking one
ofc i'm not telling that i play video games, but i'm mostly not lieing about my work, school and stuff
cant lie about myself because all of the quality ppl know me!
I don't lie coz my life iz awesome.

I just tell the real things and I "exaggerate" it a little :)
from what i know about your, and your relationship with girls and your mother heres my advice.

Go gay because you terrible with woman and want a sexual relationship with your mother, plus the cock never lies, you can not trick or lie to the cock. the cock sees what it wants and the cock goes for it, the cock sees all things, the cock heres all things, the cock knows all things. the cock is all things.

can't agree more

rotfl :P
small lies yes
big lies will come back to haunt you ALWAYS. and will get you a bad feeling when you actually meet someone you really want to be with but then she finds out the big lies and boom.
1. Go to dnb party/festival
2. Wear Lifted Music/ Spor/ Feed Me t-shirt
3. Party
4. Wait until dnb girl comes up and says: nice t-shirt!
5. Say thanks, I am Stijn
6. :)))
the pronunciation of stijn sounds like shittin to be fair
it doesn't in dutch :P it's pronounced like stain :D
oh, awwight. hello my name is stain, first name cum
hey babe, lemme buy u a drink and aftewards u can come to my place and watch my awesome clips on
When approaching a girl I don't know- always natural. While hittin on a girl I do know- giving my best from the side I know she likes :P
How does your mum react to you hitting on her?

could you please teach me how to get pussy ? :'(
Dude, you played for dignitas. That's a pussy magnet right there.
oh god how can I forgot that, next time I'm gonna wear my dignitas tshirt at club =)
I don't have these problems. I stole myself a 7 year old and tied her up in the basement recently, she will be fine for the next twenty years. Then I'll just dump her in the forest. After that I'll just snatch a new one which I can make sweet love to until my prostate blows up.
someone i know not rly a friend won a girl at poker. after some weeks he had no just anymore and drove her behind border :O

she came back... :D
Happens to me all the time actually!

Guys always drop me off behind the border.
and u always come back :(
That's how I ended up in East Germany actually...
some white lies occasionally but act all curious about the chick's life and stories, compliment her but nothing too obvious and score (buy her a drink or two of her choice if you're in a bar/club)

that's how it happens
playa always sees another playa ;)
so what would you lie about, which would be both, authentic and impressive?
being rich?- works only until she sees your car/flat
having a 12 inch cock? -works only until she sees your wiener etc...

tbh if you have to lie about something which you think makes you more desirable for girls, then you got some serious lack of confindence
Why always about women..

Can't we talk about guys for a change? I bet overboost is agreeing with me :P
no need, the girls come to me!
i pity you
was about to comment the exact same when I saw this.
no need, the boys come to me!
i never lie rly. be happy who you are instead of trying to be what you are not
dunno im so ugly girls dont even speak with me
Today world is totally different than a few years earlier. Single life is fashionable, appearance became more important. When a girl discovers that she is pretty, most of times she selects the wrong way, and decides to go for money and get her goals with her appearance.

That's why an average guy have to lie to get a girl like that. But who need that girl (bitch)? Rather get one who accepts yourself as you are!
i dont need to lie, french chicks love english beef
If youre ashamed of who you are then go ahead and lie ^^
best answer
im always ho(nes)t and since my life is great, i get always the chicks
We don't have such a shit life like yours, so that we need to lie everytime we wanna fuck :ppp
go admin some shit, u can't be in this journal
no offence but i think ur a faggot. i still like you tho
if I'm a faggot and you like me, does this means you're also a faggot? :d
not really, i could like the persona, but if ur a faggot its ok, untill you want me, but i guess you won't so its okay
charm and make an effort for the good ones but don't lie since material status doesnt really come into it
pretty simple actually.

if I meet a girl I would like to date then I don't lie.

if I meet a nice stupid slut then I usually lie to make things move faster, but it all depends on the situation.
I don't have to lie about those things. I'm awesome
You wish, fatty.
You still wish, fatty.
bassbassbass down low
i dont need to lie ,I have driver license / big car , big dick , and nice face , but still have girlfriend for 3 year's , and dont need no more girl's ....

sry for english
da ti dolbaeb voobshe
sam to bla lox tolstui , tebe naxyi ni odna baba ne daet naverno
zatknis suka
ebal dremal, sam pervui na4al , a teperb ne nravitsya
ATM.. nuff said
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