Need LoL guide


apparently I got a sunstroke since I'm asking this. Can someone make a _relatively short_ LoL guide/tutorial/whatever, to tell what is it all about for all noobs like me who have never played that kind of games(controlling 1 hero).

What I know/can do atm:

- I have played WC3 Halloween map couple of times, I think lol+dota+hon idea is exactly same(destroy enemy mainbuilding, 3 routes to get there).
- There is apparently X amount of heroes+items with different roles.

What I want to know:

- Are there only couple of heroes that are used usually or is any hero basically equally good? What combinations are usually used(tank+support w/e) etc.
- Items?
- How many key shortcut is needed to use and what they are usually?
- Basic strategys+tactics?
- Anything else important?

So basically tell the most important things and explain them + mention less important things so I can search info + learn them by playing. Also difference between premade+solo, are there public servers or how all of this works etc?
I'm fairly new to LoL as well
i usualy use to find item builds & skill builds
I also watched the DH games on :)
Omg BossHK Omg
Anyway,is LoL worth playing?Thinking to install it.
It is if the servers don't fail.
solo just randoms teams out of players that want to play (mixed teams)
premade is 5 organised players ready to face other 5 organised players (unmixed teams)

dunno how to better describe it :P

items -> a lot of combinations for every champion depends what you want to go for, i use guides which applesauce posted aswell :)

rest of the things better players gonna tell you because im not so good at it yet aswell :)
lvl 10 guide? XD
use the LoL tutorial by lol it self it is good
LoL = cheap copy of Dota Allstars
no fucking shit
Ad carries: ashe, cait, mf, corky, vayne, urgot
Supports: janna, soraka, taric, sona
Ap carries: malz, ryze, vlad, gargas, alistar, anivia, rumble, brand, tf, annie, swain
Solotop: chogat, jarvan, irelia, ww or ap carry (tanky ones)
Jungle: amumu, nunu, ww, nocturne

That's just some champs that tend to do well, not saying they are the absolute best, but they are strong.

You can either go: ap carry top, ap carry mid, support + ad carry bot, with tanky jungler
OR: offtank/tank top, ap carry mid, support + ad carry bot, jungler

Then some supports are better than others in some situations, for instance if they have alot of aoe dmg (kennen + fiddle) get janna.
Or if they have a lot of poke dmg, get soraka, etc.

As for the shortcuts, if you use the spells shortcuts it's already pretty good, maybe try to use F2,F3,... to navigate through your allies, or to heal the right person in a melee.

Communication and warding is key :=] HF!
you forgot Sona ;D
doesn't matter how much you tell people to buy wards, they never do.
dunno whats ur rating but most of my games support does its role, may be lucky though. however when i can't communicate with team i simply quit. why? if they didn't pick right i'd rather lose 10 points instead of 'playing'
sorry was meant as reply to raptar but yeah i know what you are on about.. But still I see this mentality as wrong: supports buy wards... yes support buy wards but others should buy wards aswell..
yeah i grab one every single recall, unless am well farmed 5k hp cho so i can take oracle and clean a bit.
you missed out nidalee and fiddlesticks!
play ashe, easiest and best carry out there
I'd say caitlyn is even easier :p
there is much better carries in _solo_ queue but in premades ashe is the best carry
Ashe is not the easiest its one of the hardest.
last hit, pay attention to the map, dont be too greedy, q w e r, no denies so ez.
to answer your questions:

1) in unranked games (you have to play until you reach level 30), nearly every champ is beeing played.

2) each champ has 6 recommended items in the upper right of the buy menu. for the beginning you should try them or read guides for example

3) most important keys: q,w,e for your 3 basic actions + r for your ultimate
d,f for summoner spells

4) most common public "tactic" is: 2-1-2. (in ranked and competitive games its not like this but you will find out yourself)

5) -try to do as most last hits @ the minions as possible (-> more money -> better items -> pwnage).

-do not die too often. each time an enemy kills you he gets money and can buy better items. feeded opponents rape you hard.

final words: read this and play the tutorial.
1800 elo here np
lol servers down anyway so need to learn shit!
this comment is viable 90% of the time for eu servers :p
atm yes :<<<<
But lets hope everything will be better after the split! :D
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