An open letter to all north american gamers

Dear north american gamers,

This summer I'll be spending few weeks in California to visit my dad (San Mateo), I would like to buy some pc components such as graphic card, processor etc.

Any decent site/shop?

15 is the best in the US
Tnx. Just another question: Am I gonna have voltage problem ? 220v/110v ? Or will the power supply,which I'll buy in europe will regulate that.
(13:51:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) normaly, me and my cousin had
to go out with some of his mates, but it didnt work out, so we went with my mum
and his mum to thier party...
(13:52:38) (hx^Rapt6rr) the party was ok, very good food, nice
house and blablabla, i thought the ppl were abit stranged but i didnt say anything
(13:53:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) there were many many men, i was like:
ok ok, thier wife is celebrating appart and they just want to be with thier old mates
(13:53:46) (hx^Rapt6rr) but when the middnight bell rang, i saw
the men kisssing eachother :x
(13:53:52) (hx^Rapt6rr) infact, most of them were gays
(13:54:23) (hx^Rapt6rr) then they starting dancing and stuff
check6 Jakazc NEWEGG
best buy ... its like media markt

otherwise.. i guess webstores will be always cheaper
should come down to canada ;)
wow. going to california and the only thing you worry about is your goddamn computer. is your mum proud?
Chicks you do not find by asking on cf. Only thing you find out here is the thing he asked for :p
:D I can save a lot of money cause i need a new pc.
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