
afaik he has alot fans today!

or does the man with the fanboys truely sucks today
he isnt playing tbh
saintt playing with mystic guid
its mystics dad
Well he's playing with the guid of mystic then :p
its the truth that hes mystic agree with it you fanbois :<.
k 4 real, even i can aim better then WHOEVER was backupboy, wether it was mystic or saintt, 1 of them needs to seek for low+ clan
it was mystic... or saintt got a guidspoofer... mystic didnt change his guid @ CB since april and this guid was same as the guy on the server + yawn says its mystic.
really disqusting you gave them EC invite....
why you think so?
if you saw the match vs 08... it says enough..
i saw it, whats wrong with monkeys loosing to o8?
There are many clans who would faced them on a better way...
so you are saying that o8 is shitty and if someone looses with o8 , then he must be shitty as well?

o8 played very good, were one of the best clans this night
No of course not. But there are many clans which would be played better. But amonkeys were just in a bad condition. I guess they will increase there teamplay...
if i remember correct parodia lost their first game after comeback last season when they played, after what they dominated everyone

anyway, even if they will not be top skill, i still prefer to see these players instead of these new teams which didnt get invite
nice EC invite idd
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