tomorrow turkey

tomorrow im going to turkey for 3 weeks to antalya, so i wish everyone on CF a nice vacation further and enjoy the places you're going to, if you just decide to stay in your own country, enjoy that too.

im doin the COLD TURKEY then, for 3 or more weeks
dont drink wodka there


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sometimes people there bought some cheap wodka from cyprus, but that was no usual wodka. it was methanol and that becomes to acid in your stomech -> people died :x

so better dont drink wodka there !!

also try to avoid driving taxi. they wont drive the shortest way, but the longest to get more money. and never ever drink mains water since you will feel "shit" then :D

antalya is very nice and has some really nice countrysides. you really HAVE TO visit the weekly market in the city ;)
well i know about the water thingy, been there a few times already and cabs are known to rip-off tourists so wasn't planning to do that

thanks for the headsup on the wodka tho
going there next week, hf! :)
turkey is a shithole, have fun with the muslims
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