sc2 somebody? now.

I'm currently ranked gold, haven't played actively since almost october,
anybody up for a few custom games?
playing toss, don't care about your skill but the better the more i can possibly learn.
thank you :)
i'd rape you too hard :(
probably :D
just got killed because i didn't saturate 2nd gas @4gate. idiot me :)
happens to all of us. btw
you dont need second gas with a 4gate xd
You can with a sentry-heavy attack. :p
ya but reading between the lines from what he said, hes most likely gold or lower, wich you pretty much dont need to do a sentry 4gate
u need 4 probes to collect gas for 4 gate
no you don't
y but since my first units were infight i tried to warp in a lot more sentries and we went to 35 supply i just failed that game :)
perfect 4gate = 1 gas with heavy stalker, other 4gates are useless, i consider 4gate as a bad strat anyway in pvz & pvt, all they need is 2 bunkers or a few lings. but yes for a sentry 4gate you need 2 gas, but i wouldnt recommend it
yea sc2 toss is not about 4gate, at least not if you want to become better.
I always laugh, when the casts say something like:
"You have so infinite possibilities, what you can build, like 2gate, 3gate, 2gate robo, 4gate.."
whats so xD about it? its so true, 2gate = greedy 3gate = safe 4gate = allin
2, you have a 3gate robo wich is very safe but will get ur expo later, but will safe you from an allin, 2gate robo is a bit more greedy, but more chance to die to an all in, there are stargate expos, there are expos with only 1 gate or even without, yes there is alot of builds you can do as protoss
atm im just focussing on counter a lot. those sentries have saved my ass lots of times, trying to adjust gameplay, got a little bit better :)
need account

can give cod2+4 cdkey
your journal made me into mood for some sc games... and after first game im already pissed off fuck lowbobs and their canon rushes (after 1 gate...)
play as protoss and problem solved?
im acctualy playing protoss.. and imo im the only one who never cheesed in lower leagues
it doesnt get any better, in higher leagues they just stop cannon rushing and then 4 gate all the time :(
4 gate is nothing those days, normal opening i would say, every1 already should know how to fight that
yep but it gets boring the 10th time you face it xD
i got pissed lots of times back then but when you hold this kind of cheese and become able to defeat your opponent you' feel a lot better :D
worst thing is that your thought process is higher level then actual game sense of your opponent..
hmm he made forge after gate=> he expect me to do 4gate and want to stop it with some canons and expand afterwards... and then u see canons in your base...
lol just had a game PvP...
for some reason i scout early at 9/10 ..
opponents base: no pylon, no gate...CALL BACK THE PROBE
i'm building insta forge and a cannon in my mineralline,
chronoing out 2 zealots and clean everything off.
fkin hell :D fun game ^^
nope of to work
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