Tracy from Malta

I'm wondering if there is anyone who has any contact information to Tracy from Malta? Haven't seen her around in quite some time and lost her msn/e-mail. Any information would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance. : >
crazy stalker
lol what are you talking about?

you should stalk Saskia from Germany
SASKIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want you naked on speck and eat you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ask killerboy
Kind of you to give some response. However, that dude was last seen here in marsh, so guess that won't be much help atm : (

Thanks anyway :)
Ow, right. Thoght he was using the nick killerboy here. Thanks mate :)
Please he started playing way after she left! Doesn't even have her on fb tss..
not really, i've known her for quite a while, 2005 maltese lans, just not on crossfire.
Tracy... McGrady? never heard
what u doing nowdays?
Hey man.

Well, last 2 months or so I've been busy with preparations for moving, then moving and now renovating the new apartment :) What have u been up to? Still in ET I assume?

party hard and eSPorts, thats bout it :D
I read Trance from Malta. Should've known better ofcourse, that silly island doesn't have any artists worthy of the name.
pic or gtfo! :D
Yes Ill pm it
probably moved on to other things lol
if you still need i can give you her fb in pm
Wesbo pmd me her contact info. Thanks tho : )
OMG IRZY OMG! how is your renovating?
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