RMY lanexperience

Well, at first I wasn't going at all due to money issues. But after some good fortune I was still able to go to Enschede and meet up with loads of people and watch some fun games!

Out of the lans that I attended(CiC7, AEF and SAGE) this was by far the best one when it came to organisation and fun. Massive thanks to Seanza, YCN-Hosting, WZZRD and ofc KaosTV crew! Looking forward to SAGE 2, if there will be.

Shoutout to:
almighty boys(dissapointed in you tho kamz!:P)
epic.et(met b3ck and raffou after years of saying lets go lan)
teamoxid(great team and Moldavian mAus <3)
wnbpro(for letting me use their couch as a bed! <3)
Enhanced - Tw1zZt(cause i know if i thank him he will think i have gay feelings for him)
owzo & meez(great casting and hope you two keep duo casting, nice duo to listen to)
all the teams and specs that attended and anyone i might forget! Atmosphere was great and although there were some downers(broken into cars, and some delay)

well thats it from me :P

CU at next lan!

w0bble for yo clan
Did not see or meet u, however cu next lan :-D
u did sleep on our couch? :DDDD
yes he did :D
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