g2p @ SAGE

Hello there. cba to write a story about my weekend now, but i took some pics i will share with you:

first things first, the Teampic:

image: mrbyiv
fltr: numeric, kARnAJ, Frag'Stealer!, me
behind us fltr: zMk and 7ele

image: 156d91e
polaks zMk and Frag'Stealer! having breakfast.

image: 161lru8
polaks zMk and Frag'Stealer! cleaning our apartment (i was supervising ofc)

image: 2q0lhcp
view from our balcony

image: 24bopq0
Tesla and Jenniey stepping by to check the tourney schedule with sven. (sTOWNAGEs initial thought: "I think they are 7eles mum and girlfriend" :DD)

image: wqymm8
setting up to walk over Winfakt.

image: rkri3q
well deserved visit at McDonalds.

few random thoughts:

- BelgiumP5Y is a cool guy, altho he thinks pils, weizen, alt, lager and dunkelbier are german beer brands :p.
- listening to rick astley in Germanystownis car after buying beer is a good thing to do.
- polaks dont know pringles.
- FrancekARnAJ says: beer is for pussys (with a french accent).
- listening to Polandnumeric order food is fucking awesome :DDD

if you are as overwhelmed and amazed by the quality of the pics as i am, they were taken with my cellphone.
finally some pictures
Comment Ignored Niice

E:Not 1st:7
did u all bang those two hotties?
"I think they are 7eles mum and girlfriend"
Yes they did.":D"
zmk and fragstealer cleaning the apartment

i see what you did there :)
was hoping for friday night picture of you :D thanks again for passing the beer (and spilling it all over my pants ^^). really fun weekend!
Tele with the trollface look in the first image. =D
Yay, need more pics & stories!
lol karnaj looks beautiful and sexy =:O
now im more fanboy<3
he is gonna kill your family
Quote- polaks dont know pringles.

did fragstealer start playing when he was 6 years old?
is this reallife
wow 7ele is even a bigger nerd than i expected <3
Haha Hugo, trop sérieux!
seeing polaks clean the room makes me kinda smile :pp

nice pics!
yea but look at the last pic, they have 1 table for 2 polaks pffff
usually they eat on the floor... if they have food to eat
yea i bet they got sponsored food for this time
numeric shirt size s?
Quote- polaks dont know pringles.

black shoes are black
kArnAJ wy no posing pics my friend :(?

and no $$$ from lan ???
didnt know Ace Ventura plays ET
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