I loved SAGE

was really really awesome weekend with loads of fun people! MET SOME REALLY COOL GUYS :D

first i met Germany nicon and France francis (with Poland rafekbro driving us!) then we checked into out hotel which mustve been the shittest place on earth:

image: HotelView
(view out of our window)

then we went to the lan centre, which was pretty cool actually, even though all the pcs were shit :<

but anyway, had a great time, nice to meet e-bros in RL, shoutout to all the nice guys, especially:

Germany nicon
France francis
Poland rafek
Finland hukk
Romania n1 (romance with nebu! :DDDDD)
Germany anexis bros
Belgium NEVO hoes
United Kingdom all the uk homobros (especially United Kingdom Baggiez, he ragin! :D)

hoope to do it again sometime, you should all come to PHX in Swansea! :D

cu on x
was such a funtime, hope to see you at phx again! *.*
cu soon bro! :D
so true @ romance :$
indeed, was nice to meet you guys x
thanks for driving us, you are such a crazy drvier :D
he was taught by the best
no lags from rafek irl ?
you are the one who had 999 today :D
oh u ! :P
u mad coz not invited?
u saw lefrancis? OMG O_O
n1 (romance with nebu! :DDDDD)

lol what?:D
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