Squirtles SAGE

So who knows what happened with Squirtles landodging !
They stole some stuff from cars instead playing
They didn't have players
Then who brought up the 350 euros?
dunno, I know only they had lineup problem :)
must be hard life for them spending so much money :x
rofllol i commented on 13:33:37 time :DDDDD
you so leeeet!
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Pardoel on 04/07/11, 12:54:56

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rofllol i commented on 13:33:37 time :DDDDD
nice reply

eirik is their idol
he was afraid
they found out the lan was offline
I was waiting near the lan centre all the time wondering: where my homies at?? And then I realized: dodgers gonna dodge :S
gotta suck for u mate
and what happened next?
you should know, u ddid the same
don't know what you talking about
I was very disapoint.
Wanted to meet you there too mate :/ unfortunately my situation doesn't allow me to go anywhere this summer. Another time man, that is if we still keep on playing :P
and meeting you was thing I was looking forward to most tbh. Well, I plan keeping playing, but dunno if I will be on some other "big" lan, cuz it will be iR or not at all I suppose. you could come on czech lan in september tho.
czech lan? when, where?

new news will be announced soon I suppose

hope to see you there?
hmmm, its really not too far away (287km)! and it could be really cheap if a few guys share a car (e.g. someone from berlin etc.)...
have to check my financial situation though.

would love to come :D
oh,would be cool! it is not expensive, even entrance fee is low (even will be slighty higher if you wont want to bring your own pc) :)
2-4 September? The date seems fine but I won't have any funds for it I guess. However if tMoe wants to attend it, I could get a 2weeks job in August and earn a bit- a trip to your country shouldn't be so expensive. Don't know what days my exams will be on, that's the case. We'll see, a lot of time left. But I'd really love to meet up with you mate
its really not that expensive, just few euros :( and its really close, so it shouldnt be problem for you to come imho. then I just hope you come :)
they heard there is a wall through germany which doesnt let them pass

image: berliner-mauer-siyublog
they wanted to give the girls a chance! xD
car's probs in Poznan : DDDDDD
u must buy Spain SEAT man !
Insta ban at all competitions for Squirtles members.
ye u better go and make sure it happens boss

image: city
:> i was obviously kidding, specially because i don't really know the history. But maybe you could make everything clear for us? Show some proofs? Otherwise it sounds like a full lan dodge...
Not rly much to explain. The situation fucked up when the first money problems showed up, then the guy who was supposed to take us there turned out to be full of shit. We were trying to rent a car but it was hard to get one for a decent price but then it turned out that my situation with university probably won't let me go there. That's why we didn't announce it earlier cause we still thought we might go if I could solve my studies problems. Dolar warned merlinator some time ago and I sent the final statement of us not going there on Thursday. Didn't really follow the news since then because I was busy with moving back to my hometown but I thought it was widely known already. Not that we care about what people say- just didn't want the admins to hold back with setting everything up because of us.
Why did you even though about going to lan if you have your commitments with university? lol...
Well, my commitments to it usually end by the third week of june so the lan date was really fitting me at the time it was announced. The problem is I study two courses- economics and bioengineering. I already passed all the exams on the technical univeristy over a week ago but because of my rare attendace on the regular university, I still got some problems with economics. And cause of the student loan and the vision of losing it, I can't really afford any travelling or whatsoever. If it weren't for all the professors failing my scores just because of the little frequency on their classes, I would have been able to attend the LAN as planned. Unfortunately, some of them are fuckers and as a student I just need to deal with it, even if it crushes my summerplans.
Unlucky. Are you able to study at 2 similar "degree" at same time at Polish university? :o weird ^^
They're not similar at all :P and I study them on different unis :P I study bioengineering on a technical university while I'm doing my economics degree on a 'regular' one. It's really hard since I study both of them on a full-time basis but I didn't anticipate difficulties like these. Seems like being smart isn't enough, you don't have an easy life unless you suck up to your superiors. Now I suffer the consequences :P
I understand what you mean, but i guess they are both a Bachelor or Licentiate degree or something, thats what i meant.
Ye, smart boy ^^ must be hard to study 2 diferent things at same time... Doing good so far? or is this the 1st year?
It's my second year of economics, the next year's gonna be a licentiate one and it's my first year of bioengineering and 5 more semesters of this is gonna make me an engineer :P should've been a year up but I dropped out of my first course over 2 years ago. And ye I think I'm doing really good. I already passed the first 2 semesters of bioengineering and now have a few exams from economics to take in September. The last moth was killing me but in general I'm surprised that with all my commitments I actually lead quite a social life :P except the two months a year when I take all of my exams I manage to attend all the classes, go to a gym 3 or 4 times a week, party a bit (I even lived in a dorm this year :P) and play ET 2 or 3 evenings a week, and all of it with really good results and a decent amount of sleep. I'm happy I'm able to do it all without giving anything up- I'm not very good at letting things go.

And you? You're a student too I guess? What are you studying?
Thats quite impressive tbh, i think i would get a depression with such active life tbh :D I'm the lazy kind, preferring to do nothing all day long (watch series n stuff).
Congrats dude!

I'm a student too, just finished this year with great results too (because i kinda decided to study...i'm always been that kind - "ok.. i don't need to study to pass..", but this time i studied and got my best results so far..). I should finish my Licentiate degree right now, but i didn't signup for all lessons (14 in total.. too much for me), left 5 for next year... That means i'm gonna finish the licentiate next year.
I got my "Bachelor" (we don't really call Bachelor anymore) 3 years ago (Installation and maintenance of networks and computer systems), and i'm finishing the Licentiate degree about Networks of communication and telecommunications.
Hah :D I know what you mean with the lazy part. It might seem I'm so ambitious and all but the truth is- I wish. I'm a lazy prick too, I spent the first year of studies (the one when I dropped out of uni) on nothing but partying but I luckily came accross the opportunity to work in the city radio which was quite an experience. The year after that when I was studying economics only, I was spending most of my time on partying too and was really mad when I had to sit and study when exams came :P. The reason I started bioengineering is that the technical university always felt right to me- I can't imagine myself not being an engineer in the future. And well, I came to the point when I was a lazy, bigbelly drunky and I decided to come back to the gym. I knew that giving up drikning would give me a lot of spare time so along with studying a second course, it somehow 'clicked'. But yeah- people often ask me if I'm not overwhelmed with activities since I spend most of my day at unis but coming back and working out or running isn't an extra duty for me- I chill out while doing it :P and of course playing ET or reading a book is a time of relax as well :D now I'm trying to get some funds to buy a guitar for summer as I've always wanted to learn to play it. Then I could spend my day by the schedule of: waking up - running - playing the guitar - working out - going to the lake with my friends - reading/playing the guitar/ET :P these holidays are gonna be all about me.

And you're right about postponing your degree to the next year- taking too much on your shoulders is never good. I experienced it and I wish I could transfer some classes to another year or prolong the studies time to 6 years instead of 5 :P I see you're doing fine and keep it up- we were not born to go by anyone's rapid plan- we gotta take our time and focus on the advantages of life :D
Thats exactly my point. Why would i run or rush things? I have time!
I had to focus at some old "lessons" that i failed to get approved before (from 1st year of licentiate degree), thats why i decided to leave 5 lessons for next year. Turns out o did quite well this time (for someone that have failed twice before ^^).
Your schedule would never work for me.. too much stress ^^ but yeah, enjoy the summer now, it's deserved! I though the same, using the summer with my own stuff only (joining the gymn n stuff), but i wasted the 1st week sleeping alot, 2nd week (current one) a bit sick :| sucks ^^
All the time that we lost makes us use it better in the future :P that's how I finally decided to start doing the things I do :P I'm off now man. GL with everything!
Thank you, you too! You deserve, afterall you are a fighter ^^
Unlucky :(

Shit happens, happened to me at cic7, 4 of my players didnt show :D
Wat? And u still managed to play? :P
Ye :D got 4 players :P went from a serious team to a fun team, but still had a decent time
huh? Never knew that happened :D
This better be a weak attempt to troll.
Try to read before comment.
I've read it. It doesnt make sense.
Couldn't care any less if it makes sense to you or not.
Ignorance is bliss...you're obviously ignorant, you must feel great.
You are the ignorant here.

If you read carefully up, you would understand this is a troll, specially because i didn't even knew what happened exactly.
Quote by lowkeyThis better be a weak attempt to troll.

Reading is difficult. weak troll is weak.
You are ignorant yourself my friend.
they were afraid of baggiez biceps
Poland not coming to lan


people tried to break into the cars and steal stuff @ Lancentre


make up your own mind
PolandLukey said why they didnt play now you guys should stop making fun of them. they did their best to play but unfortunely they failed.
I think even polaks arent that stupid to pay and not play :)
Now they can't eat for a month..
which polak can?
Anyway ... High-heels (girls team from sage lan) send to you guys a lot of "Thank you".
We could play xD <3
for free :DDD
If you pay for us for next lan too, we might consider sending you more than a "Thank you" ...
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