Time for a new mousepad.

Any suggestions? Like to use a 'fast' mousepad. Having everglide titan atm, but doesn't feel good anymore:( And what stays good after a while. Not something like qpad
I have a mx518.
qkc+ roccat sense raptor P1
roccat taito
save your money for something better - a good clothpad like everglide is all you'll ever need
Buy yourself a new t-shirt and use it also as a mousepad
Win Win situation
qpad :)
we are united in our propositions
Puretrak Talent
where to buy? those shops listed on their page have horrendous shipping costs to austria :_D
ebay from USA,
its like 20$ incl shipping costs... pretty cheap!
16,xx€ shipping included. nice.
guess i'm going to give it a try, thx.
yup, puretrack talent ownz :)

inactive for yrs, then bought this one and owned instantly! np
razer destructor -> best ever
qpad are obviously what you need. I'm dead serious even if you seem to don't like it.
Probably because they wear out in no time and belong to the most overhyped products on the market. :-)
perfomance wise they are quite good, but true they do wear out fast :/
well i got mine since almost 2 years, no problem here, just wash it with baby wipes
when he got his first qpad you were unable to take any actions besides poo on the floor :/
if one pad is overhyped it is def. the puretrak talent.
Because it's fast, smooth and stays the same for years? Gotta be an overhyped product.
how can a non plastic mat wear out ? my qpad ct didnt change over a year .. my goliathus didnt change nor my everglide ... the reason to buy a new pad was almost always aesthetical based
Qpad are the best, if they wouldn't feel different after 2 weeks of hard playing on it:D
maybe just use your mouse on the qpad, no beer, no chocolat, no cats etc .. =D
btw I saw your pic (fat comp) at your profile, really nice man :)
Keep working hard :p
got a bazzoo metal pad ... which is kinda small yet so awesome ... 6euros
awesomeness <3
steelseries qck
qck usain bolt edition
Puretrak Talent.
Weapon of Choice Arming the Gaming revolution :)
i would say steelseries Qck because its cheap an almost good as a Qpad CT but somehow i could aim better on the qpad than on the Qck so its your choice.you can buy 2 large Qck's with the money you spend on a single qpad.
i sell you roccat taito 2,5€
razer mantis speed good pad x
mine costed 5 euros (random shit ftw :P)
got mx518 aswell... razer sphex works good to me
Qck+ and hyperglide = instawin
razer mantis speed

didn't clean for ages, having for 3-4 years

still good
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