quotes without BG

so I'm making shitty ass songs, and for that I need quotes without background music.

here's a chick, for the winner (first to give me a good page) I've got some epic pr0n for you.
image: tumblr_l2dtrd5Hqy1qbs1jho1_500
hmmmm titties
they damn nice tiddies
e:ye but who cares lol
fake can look better
so what you want? some quotes from "famous " persons, or so?
i made a damn nice track and started with quotes from GWB which he made (or where showed) on michael moores movies

those have some good quotes

e: start to make something up yourself. i even sampled stuff from taxi driver and all that. there might be "some" background but its worth the quote. just go through movies....

e2: there are pages for that. but to be even a slightiest bit of creative, do it yourself!
ye ur right but im still focussing on learning the track creation process, dont yet want to spend too much time on less important things like spitting through entire movies to find some quotes
you know what? if you wanna do something, you have to put some work into it! its the ages of internet, i know, but if you dont do something yourself, you wont be happy with yourself. i bought cheap classic cds and stuff, just to sample only one tiny bit out of it. thats the spirit. i even sampled random TV program and i always found some interseting (maybe weird) stuff. and i liked it.

i did it with wavelab in the old days, but nowadays you can even do it, if you own photoshop (the whole creative package..) ;D

if you want to put a part of your own work into it (effort) just waste one boring afternoon or so, with recording "stupid" things. yoiu might wanna use them someday...
ye mate ur absolutely right but as I said I'm not so good yet at the whole electronical music making progress, so I think it's a slight waste of time now.

maybe somewhere this week I will spend some time getting some good quotes though
just get some random program to record and record everything around. its totally worth. im a noob in producing aswell, so...

good luck anyway :P
Now this is the story all about how
my life got flipped, turned upside down
and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In West Philadelfia born and raised
on the playground is where I spent most of my days
chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
and all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
when a couple of guys said "we're up in no good"
started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
and said "you're moving with your aunte and uncle in Bel-Air"
I begged and pleaded with her the other day
but she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
she gave me a kissin' and she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and said I might aswell kick it
First class, yo this is bad,
drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like,
hmm this might be alright!
I whistled for a cab and when it came near the
licensplate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror
if anything I could say that this cab was rare
but I thought now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air
I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
and I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later"
looked at my kingdom I was finally there
to settle my throne as the prince of Bel-Air
I bet you're so hardcore you typed that out right? xd
then i would be so freaking proud :D
I actually rapped it at practice :D
cut some nerdy quotes from ted and give me porn so i dont ban you!!
naughty bitch did all that graffiti now she must be punished
ass out! image: tumblr_lnu383FxpC1qcs2woo1_500

so bored

btw, that page looks really unclear somehow. but ill check it
its better viewed without the animations tbh but the content is super sick!

ass is a bit manly for me
too sporty i know. beat these two then ;D image: tumblr_lmoo6nzXCa1qzecs0o1_500
aaaaaaaahh. i know that page already. there was even that dude introducing a genius way of fixing your shoe laces ;D

added to favs
looks awesome, hadn't seen this yet :D ty^^
the asses or the yellyfish? ;)
image: tumblr_lbf5w48xdD1qzoaedo1_500
dat octopus

and this one is perfect :D
/q fumble
just take random movie samples
the fuck, her nipples are uneven... :O

edit: my wife's got the same panties ;o
GIMME PRON NAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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