headset incident

My current headset - Steelsound 4H - has decided to quite literally fall apart, people at LAN can confirm this.

Luckily, the way it is built, the sound is still perfect as there are wires attached to both speakers. Just the part holding the speakers on my head came off.

Whilst sticky tape and glue is a current solution, I would like a more long term solution at some point or another. Please give me your advise.

It has got to be sound cancelling and have a mic!

Budget... well €50 including delivery to Malta!

"Budget... well €50 including delivery to Malta!"

image: proV2headset
should have just stolen that Xai Mouse!

Thats how much I'd like to spend but im willing to listen to offers close to that!
some1 stole em though didnt they? Thats what deryn told me atleast :o

btw: for that budget i suggest a sennheiser HD202 or so although they dont have a mic.
Nah, at least, I don't think so. I was the one that sneaked one into my bag, but then I felt bad and gave it back. (actually everyone told ross i took one and he asked for it back) !
ahaha they told him?:D awesome :P

Dunno i got told the box was nicked, hope it didnt tho!
I don't know, hope it didn't.

If no one told ross i 'borrowed' 1 Xai, I'd be the only one using the Eurocup prize! :D
actually we are all going to be using the mice after lan. I had 1 spare which i would have happily given to you if you hadnt tried stealing and getting away with it
On Esreality there are people complaining about jittering/slight positive acceleration still. Is it actually noticable?
I think the shape is just insanely good and I'd love to try one out (just this stupid high price.. :|)
Well, just spec mAus this lan :PPP. I have been using this mouse since just after celsus died and i believe it has improved my "aim" a lot since using the deathadder. sqzz also used the mouse for the 1st time this lan (without praccing with it) and was aiming amazing. If there is acceleration, then you either get used to it, or its not noticeable.
Yeah, that's what I have also read in lots of CS forums. Guess it's just the Quake ppl that always find ways for complaints.

If I should ever play some games again, I'll surely try and get one of these then. Thanks!
mAus uses the xai? do you all in anexis use it? Does it feel like an mx518 or like a DA?

feels like a DA but lighter and better/more responsive.
if u hadnt had your car smashed you would of thought of it as the joke that it was. ah well, bad timing!
sennheiser pc 151
although it didnt meet all my expectations, im pretty satisfied with my Steelseries siberia v2 ..
had the same problem,
after a long Estonianight of Ethiopiagaming(at exactly 07.00am) i decided to go to sleep
reach out to grab my headset (on my head) to take it down, i pull it apart (to take it off the ears) and it brakes in half.

i recomend!
buy a 5.1(or 7.1) soundcard (its cheap from 10 to 30euros) and a sony/or some other nice cheap headset = epic sound.. i can hear them fart in their spawn from my spawn, enjoy!

genius 5.1 soundcard
sony mdr xd100 (stereo headphones,not a headset)
around 40euros for nice quality sound (i doubt that a non usb headset for more then 50-80 can compete vs my soundcard+headphones 40euros!)
Yet another toxic's journal complaining about his shit gayming materials.
Sennheiser HD201 + separate mic

easily under 50€ including delivery
sennheiser HD201 or speedlink medusa NX 5.1
i'd help you but i only help gingers.
Can buy my 5h steel series if you want. I used it at AEF and a hand full of times at home. Pretty sick headset.
I use regular in-ear headphones and a webcam mic :)
Dont buy the Creative FATAL1TY
my 4h has started to lose its sound from left side :S
Thanking me is not necessary no? Hmm
thought this journal was about snoop after reading the title :D
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