120hz monitor + notebook? I am disappoint!


Since I'm moving next week i wanted to buy a new monitor with at least HDMI in (xbox omg), and preferably 120hz in 2D. I've been googling about what to buy yesterday and despite its age the viewsonic still seems to be a decent choice.
nontheless i only have 2x hdmi out + one VGA out on my laptop (graphicscard is a gtx 460m, which supposedly supports 3D output), no dvi-d dual link whatsoever.

So, is it actually possible to use a monitor in 120hz mode given the interfaces? if not, are there newer models with which it is possible to get 120hz in 2D-mode simply using hdmi?

hdmi-> dvi-d adapter?
still google said it's probably not possible to run it on 120hz. confused me a little.
u should ask somebody who knows about these things

i however had the same thing and afaik i was informed it should be fine since both hdmi and dvi-d have digital signal. just make _sure_ your gfx card supports 120hz :F
thx nevertheless, will just test it at some friend's place then :)
HDMI probably can't carry a 120hz stream, its usually 2 60hz streams spliced together I think, to achieve the 120hz
meh, exactly what i've read. too bad, thanks though :/
hab dir doch gesagt, viewsonic vx2268wm
ja, aber die schreiben es geht nicht im geizhals forum :(
QuoteSo, is it actually possible to use a monitor in 120hz mode given the interfaces? if not, are there newer models with which it is possible to get 120hz in 2D-mode simply using hdmi?

if you're gonna be using a hdmi cable then theres no reason why it shouldn't run at 120hz...

Edit: infact its all monitor based anyway so i don't see why there should be a problem running at 120hz at all
when googling i stumbled across some cadred forum post in which someone claimed connecting via hdmi did not work in combination with the viewsonic monitor.
i have to say that i have no clue about the difference (tech-spec wise when comparing dvi-d dual link and hdmi) and at least there are some forum posts around which let you think there might be a crucial one.
if you know the ultimate answer to the question, enlighten me please.
are these posts all nonsense, or can't you say for sure as well? the specs from nvidia say that the card at least had dual-link dvi support, would there be a dvi port on my laptop, lol.
not entirely sure myself tbh all i know is the so called "120hz" hdmi cables are all bullshit marketting scams to fool people, i dont exactly have a 120hz monitor to test with lol
didnt read but

when i used 120hz, and 60hz, i did not notice anything diferente.
yeah, might well be, even had to run my monitor on 50 hz for some time due to the nvidia driver bug on linux. that's where it get's a little annoying. the point is that i need a monitor anyway because i can't take my TV with me, so why not go for a decent one :-)

edit: and the notebook panel is really crap - just what you would expect from a cheap but half-way powerful config.
Unless you had both of your eyes stabbed out by a gipsy, that's impossible.
i didnt notice anything diff ingame tbh... the screan was a bit ugly/lowqualy but ingame same shit
you adjusted your displayrefresh command surely?
there is no way you have not seen a difference.
have you made sure it was actually showing 120hz while ingame (checking through monitor settings)
ofc it was :D
the only thing diff is that ur eyes arent so tired like at 60hz, just a smallllllllllll thing, not even noticable once ur on ur pc for 30mins :D
clearly wasn't. The difference is very obvious unless you have some visual impairment
wo zieht er denn hin?
wien fürn master. da studentenheim nicht gerade geräumig natürlich :-D
ah, dachte du wärst eh wiener.

fang im herbst auch master an... viel spaß im heim, wird sicher leiwand ;)
wo kommst du nochmal her? ich war jetzt zuletzt in innsbruck - das mit dem heim weiß ich noch nicht so, war in linz auch in einem und das kann schon ärgerlich werden wenn die leute die küche im ärgsten saustall hinterlassen :D
wien, hab aber nie im studentenheim gewohnt - stell es mir nur lustig vor hinsichtlich halli-galli usw.

ich nehm an du hast schon eine wg in erwägung gezogen? da bist nicht ganz so machtlos gegenüber asozialen mitbewohnern...
ja schon, jetzt fürs erst wars aber sowieso mehr eine nacht und nebel aktion, im sommer bin ich dort um die bachelorarbeit fertigzuschreiben - und über den sommerheimplatz hab ich dann auch glücklicherweise gleich einen platz fürn winter auch bekommen (eh nicht so selbstverständlich weil ich arg spät dran war).
is im 9., lage relativ perfekt - naja und wie die mitbewohner sind zeigt sich dann eh in den nächsten wochen :)
good shit, muss im sommer auch ba-arbeit fertig schreiben... gutes gelingen!
danke, dir auch!
may i suggest that when using a laptop with a gtx460m that buying a 120hu monitor is quite a waste of money?
why? i do not aim for 120fps in new games, bought this notebook mostly due to its cheap price and massive ram for computational reasons. 120hz QL + ET and during working sessions would be a cool thing though.
have you ever tried 120hz? if you are usually going for cheap price those 20hz are nothing crucial to be paid for tbh...
my CRT had 120, that was quite nice. the notebook panel is just all blurry, i'm quite sensitive when it comes to the refresh rate it seems, even my 7 year old 19" panels are far better (low res though). its pretty much a one-time-investment, so not really anything to lose (i'm not going for the 400€ monitors anyway, 200€ seems reasonable).
i have always been going for the syncmasters as they are "reasonably" priced, with very good contrast (1:5000000 instead of 1:50000) and a low response time (2m/s or even 1m/s in newer models). those extra 20hz did never add any visual difference when compared to other 1080p FullHD monitors (for me at least).

e: maybe grab you laptop and go to some dealers to test it out x.X
+1 for the syncmasters.. got a Samsung Syncmaster BX 2250 connected to my laptop and I love it :)
If the bandwidth on your hdmi out is enough it should work. If it's a high-end notebook you may even have a DVI dual link output in which case it will definitely work.
i played 3 year on 60hz display. now i have new monitor running @120Hz and difference is quite big.
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