Jared Milton..

Sup cf,

So this kid has been posting vids & deleting them relativly regular
if you want some more storys n shit i suggest googling him

This is the vid that is up atm

Its been goin on for a while so ppl are confused
either he's a rly rly good troll or he's just rly rly stupid
What do you guys think

image: 265108_10150236698254823_6020654822_7484066_4965825_n
watched that vid of kreayshawn when i had 20k views or so, im so pro :D
i just herd it today
she's fkin awesome
she gets annoying after a while trust me, her voice becomes really irritating like a mosquito at night when you try to sleep
hello itiots, hello retarts
god what an annoying person, could only watch 20 sec :S
who cares
omg stop giving drugs to little kids
19 Lower Wigan Road

Standish Lower Ground

Wigan, Lancashire, United Kingdom

School Phone: 01942768801

Mobile: 07526492908

School: The Deanery Church of England High School

bout 15 mins from me.
I'm 12 and what is this?
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