For f*ck sake!

So yea there's nobody in work I can have a laugh with tonight so i'm a million times more bored than usual! What's going down in the hood?!? Already missing LAN as sad as that might sound and actually want to go back to Enschede and get mullered with everyone that witnessed the old "I'm at the bar" phone calls again!! Massive shoutout to Henk too fr keeping the bar open as long as possible!

Break is about to finish now, back to shitty shelf stacking like a boss :O(
sux2bu owzo, was just reapin some tf2 pub with rkdizzle and k-bizzle
i just had a pen in my mouth, did some things with it, had pain, my lip started bleeding, shit
ohnowzo :(
hey faggot, why dont u stfu
that was inappropriate
let's play Frostbite
was getting raped by duNzy couple min ago in QL...never felt so ashamed in my life
:D wasn't much of a rape, 1 eye open and half a sleep

play owzo, hes the demolisher
glad someone is awake :/
off to sleep byee <3
haha night mate :D
damn owzo, you gotta get used to it again...(i wish i could post my music now, but i wont) :/
Best phonecalls ever
Im still at the Bar! BANANAS!!!!!
I'm still at the bar && I'm on my way over the bridge right now! :D

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yes!
At work aswell, nobody to have a laugh with here either =/ But I got some funny music so I can laugh about that! =D 10 min's left of my break and then back to putting stickers on mobile phone boxes (15 euro per hour, NP4ME)
I wish we would be still at the bar too :-D
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