Army Estonia

So i am going to the army for 11 months. Wish you all the best and good luck in your life. Shotout to all my fans and haters. See you soon.
see you in war
What you really mean to say is that you're going to play ET IRL for the next 11 months. Be careful out there, I heard the medics aren't capable of insta-revive.
you; hilarious.
dont know you but gl
For all the Finland Finnish soldiers, watch out for the long spawn ;)

I guess in Estonia it is 11 months for everyone?
8 when you go in the autumn
8 not 8th.
dno what you talking about ;)
but i do :)
Watch you dont get gibbrd
See you soon.


Have fun!
he will be out after 10 weeks. and after that every other weekend mostly
dont drop the soap
night was there and lost his hair :/
He had to go there _because_ of the hair ;)
and proud of =)
Im also a fanboi of him, so no offense :P
hes best and hes nice boy in rl :)
First thing I can affirm, 2nd, well...i thought about talking to him on SAGE but I got the impression that he doesnt want to talk to people who he doesnt really know well... :(

But I stood behind him and I saw how sniping is working! :P
hehehe weve met at lan and shared estonian vodka ;)
i guess its not only special for him, imo all fin and estonian are bit not talkable :PP
Yeah, best example would be Mystic imo :P He didnt talk at all afaik ;D
I really hope you get bum fucked you piece of shit.
I hope the next door you exit falls you in the back
Same, 5 days left till the big moment :<

Good luck and have fun there :)
hähä take jewe with you
He said he's going to do civilian service so most likely not :|
BE AFRAID be very afraid ...
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