
So good morning peepz,

i did ask myself why we didn’t hear so many interesting stories about lan. maybe it soound boring cause i dint attend^^ I expected more! So go on. Most Interesting story so far for me: ali hax @lan^^ or was it someone else ;)
tell us about all those rumours and all those nightactions =)

Plans for weekend? Mine:

lan in uk? yes im there!


Pic : image: jessica-alba

Shoutouts :
my buddies, flo (floooooo) alan (oh boy), vaiko (OMG), dialer (u look handsome-kikooooooo)
the girls. Carla, wsk, noor, m!das (all those yermans ), mind and his friends,sexy paul, .ee and some more <3


btw rahul: schwaanensee is ready !
shoutout 2 estaloth :)
lovely email =)
little pm but shhh, haha <3
Al1 so busted on LAN, TRLOLOLOLOLOL.

No really, I hope you didnt believe it. (Crushed your DREAMS KEKE)
i knew it was(is) not tru BUT at least it was some interesting rumour!!!
didnt hear anything more! nothing about the girls. noone slept while playing. noone rly stoned destroying a bike w/e =)
Ross', eiM's and somebody else's car being broken into.
Potty being smashed as always.
One of the guys from epic oxid breaking their foot.
The multiple "umad?" pics we took after trolling some people, best reaction on cam was Kamz. Best reaction off-cam was eujen.
So many!
I think u ignored my friend request on fb, SHAME ON YOU
I only accept people I know! I know you, but not your REAL (omg) name. PM your name here and I'll accept on FB!
michael dietrich xD
i really appreciate your work, you donjt need to add me :P
the 3rd car was mine, but i fixed it yesterday.

the guy who fell off the table was an7ho, thats why i drove with him to the hospital, and my car was remaining at the center overnight, then they broke it...
great effort!
I remember this lol "u mad cause u got no keyboard!?" - "what??" - FLASHLIGHT
the guy who twisted his ankle is an7ho from oxid actually :)
Or that Potty was asking Kamz some questions (also 1 about Baggiez) and he was recording it with his camera (that was on his neck) and Kamz didnt knew that :')
hiyaaaa schnee! a shoutout, fickjaaa! :D

uhm plans for the weekend: not much, meeting up with a friend to torture her with the photos from our italy vacation, and maybe a movie evening after that. or dinner. or having a drink. idk yet
you can get arrested for that in certain countries
so easily forgotten :(
omg shame on me :/ edit2theedit!
bodi bill pretty god!
but everyonehates me for speakin :/
band from berlin btw (maybe thats why text easy ;))
have heard all of them in my best friends car :D#
thats why i like the "easy" music way
Everything that happened in Enschende stays in Enschede :D
noooooooooooo :(
Indeeeed..... ^^
cmon u could give some hints. and if good stories happend there, there would be atleast rumours. feed us girl =)
nerdest statement evah
What happened at lan gets posted on Crossfire!
owzo made jere mad by trolling him that al7 and sup3r hax at lan
this was expected. tell me smth new!
if I was on that lan people would talk much more for sure :)
owzo rolled but that's not my story to tell xD
hello lovely! me gusta everything you say! <33
he did an epic ragequit from LAN, after his team didnt place for the next round (: He drove home and backstabbed Fendah, since he got a lift from snoop :p So pathetic
just come with us next time.
some1 like Ozzy Osbourne?
Some chick called Cherry or something supposedly gave maverick888 a blowjob or so, or got gangbanged or whatever.

And I heard that Razbo woke up face down in the parkinglot with his pants down, a beer in one hand and his dick in the other and when he got up, a used condom fell out his ass. The condom could be just rumours though.
what about u? guess u behave at lan? ;)
kiko girl :D got some videos on my phone with baggiez losing ring of fire game :D
still have to upload and that will take some time :S , on the other hand perfbro is such party animal which i didnt expect tbh :DD
i have a pic with u on it ;)
zlol where :O? link me
baggiez sent me at night :PP where u all were sitting on the couch ;)
oh yea thats true :D
heard perfo blushed also :D
ohh yes he does :DDD
rumours were going I got a great ass
SHOULDNT have girls a big ass instead of boys? thought boys should have smth else great... . .
didnt say I got a big ass, just a great ass
so they did party with ur ass?!
Jessica alba is amazing!
Jessica Alba <3

I like u even more now
ignorierst du mich eigentlich ? :(
:( ich nehm mirnur gerne zeit für eine antwort!
ich meinte jetzt nicht mal speziell hier, du hast mich die letzten 2 Tage schon ignoriert ! T_T
das kann nciht SEIN!
peehoo was sober whole lan
thought about having sober weekend but most likely will fuck dat up and be wasted as monkey once again and have great time, we will see
we see us on irc boy :)
Enlarged LAN 2009, i shared an hotel room with Baden-Württemberg juICE. We arrived at like 5am in the morning there and he was totally drunk, while i was still doing "ok".

Unfortunately the bathroom was outside of the room (not a very expensive hotel... also had no reception etc^^), so i went there to brush my teeth etc before sleeping just dressed with my boxershorts.
When i came back to the room, the door was locked and juICE (he told me later in the morning) was sleeping already, totally wasted he had locked the door (ofc, cause he was in a hotel^^) , with his headphones from his iphone on, did not here me knocking...
So there i was on the hotel floor in boxershorts only, hammering the door like a mad-man. Some other ppl were already coming out of their rooms, asking me what's up... or to stfu :D ... so i finally decided to go over to Germany weak and Germany annajr room and knock there... luckily i remembered were they were, cause it was on some other floor.
And luckily they heard me, and so i sleept on their couch that night, being totally mad about juICE :)

But at the next morning he could explain himself and was totally sorry about it :D .... so i still <3 him :)
After watching a couple of pictures, I was quite surprised that the team with girls wasn't all about obesity. So how come that female gamers can be thin as sticks, but a lot of male gamers are fat as fuck?

I'm a stick myself btw (probably born in the wrong body). It's just a miracle
cause we care about kilos ;)

micaaaa <3
Because 95% of all gamers are male.
lan stories are for lanplayers and ppl who attended lan only!
fuck u simon. :) zeig fotos her!
tssss und dann noch fordern hier !!!111

da hast nen halbes von der seite, wenn du da gewesen wärst hätteste nen richtiges bekommen

image: pm6twnq4nxra
fu you only shout out to easteuropeanandscandinavian peeps.

how come you go to uk lan but not to nl lan?
because i have enough time to plan. didnt for nl :/

and wtf :P
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